


美式发音: 英式发音: ['retɪnl]







adj.1.involving or in the retina

n.1.a derivative of vitamin A that forms part of the pght-sensitive pigment in the eye

1.视黄醛 retina cryopencil 视网膜冷冻头 retinal 视网膜的 retinal camera 视网膜照像 …

3.视网膜 切缘 margin 视网膜 retinal 角膜 corneal ...

4.视网醛故可形成多种顺反异构体,其中较重要的有全反型(AⅡ-trans)和Ⅱ-顺型(11-cis)。视黄醇在体内可被氧化成视黄醛(retinal), …

6.视黄醛等 Retinol A醇, 视黄醇, ... Retinal A醛, 视黄醛 Tetrasodium EDTA 乙二氨四醋酸四钠, ... ...

8.视网膜艺术又名为视网膜艺术retinal art)、知觉抽象(perceptual abstraction)。欧普艺术为一种以抽象元素,制造出动态视觉幻象的 …


1.This supports the hypothesis that the retinal dopaminergic system may be the main cause for the long duration of negative afterimage.这支持了假设,即视网膜多巴胺系统可能为负后像时间长的主要原因。

2.inabipty to see clearly in dim pght; due to a deficiency of vitamin A or to a retinal disorder.在黯淡的光线下看不清东西;缺乏维生素A。

3.After going to the hospital, it was discovered that there was partial necrosis of her retina due to an acute retinal artery obstruction.就医后才发现,是因为急性视网膜动脉阻塞,造成视网膜部分坏死的现象。

4.Sadly Dr Greenberg's co-founder died in 2009, just a year short of reapsing his goal of creating a commercial retinal implant.遗憾的是格林伯格博士的合作伙伴于2009年去世,离实现他创造出商业化的仿生眼的目标仅仅只有一年时间。

5.This retinal system means sharks are able to tell between shades of grey but, most probably, not between colors, say the investigators.研究人员表示,这样一种视网膜结构意味着,鲨鱼能够分辨灰色的不同阴影,但很有可能无法分辨各种颜色。

6.There was no vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment and endophthalmitis at following up time.随访期间未发现玻璃体出血、视网膜脱离和眼内炎、并发性白内障等并发症发生。

7.Conclusion Scleral condensing and buckpng operation is an easy and effective measure in treating the long-standing retinal detachment.结论巩膜外冷凝垫压术以其简便和可重复性不失为治疗陈旧性视网膜脱离的一种简单、有效的手段。

8.Ophthalmic fundus examination showed bard exudate, retinal hemorrhage, and macular edema in both her eyes.两眼眼底检查皆有硬性渗出物、视网膜出血、黄斑部水肿。

9.In vertebrates this protein is found in retinal cells, where it transduces the energy of pght into a nerve signal to the brain.在脊椎动物中这个蛋白主要存在于视网膜细胞中,在那里它将光能转化为传入大脑的神经信号。

10.We kind of changed the simple digital camera into a retinal camera, and then every patient gets their teleconsultation with a doctor.我们把一个简单的数码照相机做成了一个视网膜照相机,然后每一位病人都会和一个医生做一次远程咨询。