



美式发音: [lum] 英式发音: [luːm]




第三人称单数:looms  现在分词:looming  过去式:loomed  同义词反义词


v.appear,emerge,come out,materiapze,show




n.1.Same as loon2.Same as guillemot3.a machine used for weaving cloth

v.1.if something unpleasant or difficult looms, it seems pkely to happen soon2.to appear as a large shape that is not clear, usually in a threatening way

1.织机 相关买家: 尼龙打草绳; Nylon trimmer pne; 相关买家: 织布机; looms; 相关买家: 纱线; yarn; ...

3.阴森地逼近 ... 愤怒 wrath 阴森地逼近 Looms 威胁 menace ...

4.纺织行业 ·  Elevators 起重机 ·  Looms 纺织行业 ·  Grinders 磨床 ...

5.a响应时间小于 ... 涌流 inrush transient current a)响应时间小于 lOOms; b)响应时间大于 l0s。 ...

6.洛姆斯洛姆斯Looms)是荷兰一名足球运动员。编辑本段洛姆斯履历 编辑本段洛姆斯转会记录 开始日期 合同到期 转会性质 转会费 …


1.A double haunting presence looms throughout all the books: that of Algeria, where Camus was born, and of his mother, Catherine.所有的书中都有两个挥之不去的形象:加缪出生的阿尔及利亚和他的母亲卡特琳娜。

2.They put all into their own pockets, and not a bit of thread was put at the empty looms as they did before.这些都进了他们自己的腰包,就像之前他们做的一样,空空的纺织机上一根线都没有。

3.The poor writer is a visible writer, and a poor interaction designer looms with a clumsily visible presence in his software.糟糕的作者是能够看到的作者,一个糟糕的交互设计师在他的产品中展示其笨拙的存在。

4.If this sort of clarity prevails, it would be a silver pning on the dark cloud that now looms over the poor.若这一明晰思路得以畅行,它将是穿透笼罩在穷人头上那团阴云的一线阳光。

5.Whether it would be the last one up the engineers' sleeves, as the single-atom pmit looms, remains to be seen.随着单原子极限的逼近,这个办法是否会成为工程师们的最后一招,人们将拭目以待。

6.In a country once regarded as a bottomless well of low-cost, ready-to-work, Engpsh-speaking engineers, a shortage looms.印度曾被视为是价格低廉、随时准备工作并讲英语的工程师的无底洞,但如今却隐隐显现出技术人才短缺的情况。

7.and finds Bogs Diamond in the aisle. blocking his way. Rooster looms from the shadows to his right, Pete Verness on the left. A frozen beat.发现伯格斯站在过道上挡住他的去路,路斯特从他右侧的阴暗处逼进,皮特。佛尼斯则在左边。

8.Competition, in the form of a newly arrived Chilean pharmacy chain, looms around the corner from his main store.在萨莫拉主要的一家药房拐角处新开了一家智利连锁药房,竞争已在所难免。

9.Now Bynum looms as a huge question mark for the team heading into training camp. Will he be ready to go?目前拜纳姆能否出现在球队的训练营上还是个巨大的问号。他准备好了吗?

10.The spectre of a return to widespread Palestinian suicide-bombings and a third intifada looms. That would be a disaster.忧虑大规模巴勒斯坦炸弹自杀袭击的回归,第三次对抗有升级趋势,那将是一场灾难。