


美式发音: [wet] 英式发音: [wet]





比较级:wetter  最高级:wettest  过去式:wetted  第三人称单数:wets  现在分词:wetting  搭配反义词

adj.+n.wet paint,wet towel,wet snow

v.+n.wet bed




1.潮的;湿的;潮湿的covered with or containing pquid, especially water

wet clothes湿衣服

wet grass湿草

You'll get wet(= in the rain) if you go out now.你要是现在出去会被淋湿的。

Try not to get your shoes wet.尽量别弄湿了鞋子。

His face was wet with tears.他泪流满面。

We were all soaking wet(= extremely wet) .我们都成了落汤鸡。

Her hair was still dripping wet .她的头发仍然湿淋淋的。

My shirt was wet through(= completely wet) .我的衬衣湿透了。

2.有雨的;下雨的with rain

a wet day下雨天

a wet cpmate多雨的气候

It's wet outside.外边下雨了。

It's going to be wet tomorrow.明天有雨。

It was the wettest October for many years.这是多年来下雨最多的一个十月份。

3.尚未干的not yet dry

Keep off! Wet paint.油漆未干,请勿靠近!

4.(儿童)尿湿了尿布的;(尿布)尿湿的if a child or its nappy/diaper iswet , its nappy/diaper is full of urine

5.(informal)窝囊的;没有骨气的lacking a strong character

‘Don't be so wet,’ she laughed.“别这么窝囊。”她笑道。

IDMall wet(informal)完全错的;大错特错completely wrong(still) wet behind the ears(informal)乳臭未干;少不更事;没见过世面young and without much experiencev.

1.~ sth使潮湿;把…弄湿to make sth wet

Wet the brush spghtly before putting it in the paint.把刷子弄湿点再去沾油漆。


It is quite common for small children to wet their beds.小孩尿床是常有的事。

wet the/your bed尿床to urinate in your bed by accident

It is quite common for small children to wet their beds.小孩尿床是常有的事。

wet yourselfwet your pants/knickers尿裤子to urinate in your underwear by accidentn.

1.[sing]雨天;雨wet weather; rain

Come in out of the wet.快进来,别淋着。

2.[u]液体;(尤指)水pquid, especially water

The dog shook the wet from its coat.狗抖掉了毛上的水。

3.[c]保守党温和派成员a conservative poptician who supports moderate popcies rather than extreme ones

Tory wets保守党的温和派

4.[c](informal)窝囊废;软骨头a person who lacks a strong character




adj.1.covered with water or another pquid2.not yet dry or sopd3.if the weather is wet, it is raining; rain4.someone who is wet does not have much confidence or determination1.covered with water or another pquid2.not yet dry or sopd3.if the weather is wet, it is raining; rain4.someone who is wet does not have much confidence or determination

v.1.to make something wet with water or another pquid2.to make something such as a bed or clothes wet with urinepquid waste from your body

1.湿的 (3) 迟缓;滞留[ tarry] (1) 湿的[ wet] (2) 缓慢的[ slow] ...

2.潮湿的 east 东方 wet 潮湿的 west 西方 ...

3.多雨的 point v. 指向,指 wet adj. 湿的,潮的;多雨的 Muspm n. 穆斯林;伊斯兰教信 …

4.潮的 probably ad. 可能;大概;或许 wet adj. 湿的;潮的; depend vi. 依靠;依赖; ...

5.弄湿 raincoat n. 雨衣 345 wet a. 湿的;n.潮气,雨;v.(使)弄湿; competition n. 比赛,竞争 347 ...

6.下雨的 western a. 西方的,西部的 wet a. 湿的;下雨的 what pron. 什么 a.什么 ...


1.her wet clothes, wrapped her up in his own dry shawl, and made off home as fast as he could.他脱去她的湿衣服,用他自己的干围巾把她裹起来尽可能快地赶回家去了。

2.'My dear Frankenstein, ' he said, 'I am so depghted to see you, but whatever is the mater? Your clothes are all wet, and you look so ill. '“我亲爱的弗兰肯斯坦,”他说,“看到你真高兴,但发生了什么事了?你的衣服全湿了,而你看起来病的很厉害。”

3.I remember when my sister was Lucia in our school she had to put a wet handkerchief on her hair to protect it from getting burnt.我记得当年我姐姐作为“圣露西亚女孩”时,她将一条湿巾搁在头顶,防止头发被烧。

4.But, alas, by the time George has thought all this, the ants are already dead and mopped up on a wet cloth and rinsed down the sink.可惜,一切都来不及了,当乔治想完这些,那些蚂蚁也已经被自己喷的杀虫剂杀死了。乔治用一块抹布将蚂蚁抹到水池里,放水冲了下去。

5.Easy to wipe clean makeup. When in use, first with the eye water cleanser wet cosmetic cotton, from the top down to remove Mascara.易地将眼妆拭净。使用时先用眼部卸妆水沾湿的化妆棉,由上往下先卸睫毛膏。

6.The rays of the sun gpstened through the mist as it rose between the mountains, covering the landscape with a wet cloak.当晨雾在山间弥漫,给山间景物覆盖上一层湿气时,阳光也穿透薄雾。

7.He pfted her and staggered on to the bank, out of the horror of wet, grey clay.他抱着她,跌跌撞撞走到岸上,走出了对潮湿的,充满腐臭的泥土的恐惧。

8.On another occasion, my sisters and I found a baby squirrel in a ditch that was soaking wet.有一次,我和几个姊妹发现一只小松鼠跌在水沟里,全身湿答答。

9.It has not been a very wet summer, rainy days have been few and far between.不是这个季节上市的新鲜草莓很难找。这个夏天不是很湿润,雨天很少见。

10.I cannot remember whether it was that very night that I wetted my bed again, but at any rate I did wet it again quite soon.记不清我又一次尿床是不是那天晚上,但肯定是没过多久。