


美式发音: [ˈɡlɑtɪs] 英式发音: [ˈɡlɒtɪs]



复数:glottises  复数:glottides  



1.声门the part of the throat that contains the vocal cords and the narrow opening between them


n.1.the part of your throat where your larynx joins your pharynx, between your vocal cords

1.声门 glottal 喉音 glottis 声门 graddabl opposites 可分等级的反义词 ...

2.嗓门 ... 入门套件 starter kit 嗓门 glottis;voice;windpipe 厦门大学 Xiamen University ...

3.声门区之上及之下 骨 会厌软 、 杓 襞 会厌 ) 、 声门区 (glottis) 、 下 声门 区(subglottis) 。

4.声带所在 Larynx 喉 Glottis (喉部):声带所在 Thyroid Gland 甲状腺 ...

5.声门区癌2 .声门区癌glottis )局限于声带的癌肿,以前、中l / 2 处较多,鳞癌I 、II 级居多。发展较慢,不易发生颈淋巴结转移。


1.Objective To determine the clinical characteristic, treatment and prognosis for poorly differentiated carcinomas of the glottis.目的探讨声门型低分化喉癌的临床特点、治疗及预后。

2.High-pressure air in lung dashes out of glottis when coughing and causes unique vibration of chest wall.咳嗽时气体急速冲出声门,会引起身体剧烈振动。

3.If the airway becomes distorted, releasing cricoid pressure may improve visualization of the glottis.若气道扭曲,则应减少压力以充分暴露声门。

4.Forces sufficient to occlude the esophagus, when applied laterally , have been shown to displace the glottis and impair intubation (2).如果可导致食道闭塞的足够压力作用于非正中位(侧面)时,将使声门移位,气管插管受影响[2]。

5.the frequency of glottis aperture are shown in Fig.的频率,声门光圈中显示图。

6.An assistant can gently pull the right side of the patient's lip and cheek to enhance visibility of the glottis.助手可以轻轻地牵拉患者唇及颊的右侧,增加声门的可视度。

7.When underwater, the animals pushed water past their gills while simultaneously pushing the glottis down.这些动物在水下时,水流经鳃部的同时也将声门压了下去。

8.In hiccupping, we use ancient muscles to quickly close the glottis while sucking in (albeit air, not water).在打嗝的过程中,我们用古老的肌肉很快的关闭声门,在我们吸东西时(空气不是水)。

9.Importantly, the entryway (or glottis) to the lungs could be closed.重要的是,这个入口(声门)是能够被关闭的。

10.of aperture of the glottis using the designed vocal cord while producing throat vibrato.光圈的声门使用声带而设计生产的喉咙颤音。