



美式发音: [ˈræʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['ræʃ(ə)n]




复数:rations  现在分词:rationing  过去式:rationed  同义词反义词







n.1.a limited amount of something, especially food, that you are allowed to have, for example when there is not much available or when someone else is controlling it2.amounts of food that are provided for people who do not have enough or for people such as soldiers

v.1.to control the supply of something such as food so that people are allowed only a particular amount2.to allow someone to have only a small amount of something

1.军用干粮 ... Rations( 军用干粮) 恢复体力 大楼1一、三层 丛林2 Armour( 防弹衣) 敌人给予的损伤减半 大楼4 ...

2.口粮 ration 定量供应 rations 给养;口粮 rations bread 配给面包;军用面包; …

4.配给 ration 限量供应,配量 rations 口粮,日粮 rations bread 配给面包,军用面包,粗硬面包 ...


1.The U. N. World Food Program says none of its trucks were damaged nor any of its personnel injured and the rations were delivered.联合国粮食计划署表示,任何车辆被损坏,也人员受伤,而且粮食配给也运到了目的地。

2.Catch good year, with summer, harvest can still, at least a year is enough rations.赶上好年成,张罗一夏,收成还是可以的,至少一年的口粮是够了。

3.On the demand side it also rations consumer demand appropriately, and it also tends to mean that the variety of consumer needs can be met.从需求一方来说,竞争也适当地节制了顾客的需求,同时也使顾客多方面的需要获得知足。

4.Now Iraq is increasing food rations to allow Iraqis to stock up on food ahead of any possible war with the United States.在任何有可能与美国战争之前伊拉克现在正在增加食物的限额去让伊拉克人民储存食物。

5.Seven Fairy Maiden gave him a bowl of millet, asked if cooked a day, can be used as a day of food rations.七位仙姑送给他谷子一碗,嘱咐每天只要煮一粒,就可当作一天的口粮。

6.The victims, who mostly belong to a tribe opposed to the Taliban, had been waiting for the United Nations food rations.这些受害者大多数属于反对塔利班部落,事发时他们位于世界粮食计划署食品分发点,排队等待领取食物。

7.He stayed in a metal frame to make sure he remained at the right depth and was fed rations through a tube.在水下生活时,他被关在铁笼内以确保他停留在正确的深度,并通过管子获得食物。

8.Despite the difficulties, the United Nations delivered millions of food rations and doctors from all over the world helped the injured.尽管面临这些困难,联合国发放了数百万口粮;来自世界各地的医生对受伤群众进行了救治。

9.Allocate rations for a week -long business trip .分配一星期外出商务旅行的定额。

10.This paper argues that the word "JU" means collecting food or rations and forage on the basis of literature study.本文从各种文献角度考察,得到“聚”为聚集粮食或粮草的意思。