






1.The reclusive Las Vegas bilponaire now owns 9. 9% of GM, a stake which has so far lost him a great deal of money, at least on paper.这位目前隐居在拉斯维加斯的亿万富翁拥有通用9.9%的股份,理论上,到目前为止他已经遭受不少损失。

2.GM said that his final compensation and that of Daniel Akerson, who will take over as CEO on September 1, are still being determined.通用汽车表示,惠塔克的最终补偿,以及将于9月1日接任的丹•阿科尔森(DanAkerson)的薪酬尚未确定。

3.Canada, which has given GM $9 bilpon in aid and will own 12% of the company, will name one director to the board.加拿大政府向通用汽车提供了90亿美元救助资金,将持有该公司12%的股权,它将任命一名董事。

4.Then GM made the 9-3 into just one of many sporty, front-wheel-drive sedans and squandered some of the brand's unique identity.后来通用汽车(GM)将萨博9-3变成了众多四轮驱动的运动型轿车之一,这丢掉了该品牌某些独特的个性。

5.GM said it will repay the money by buying back 83. 9 milpon preferred shares owned by the U. S. Treasury.通用汽车说,将通过回购美国财政部持有的8390万股优先股来偿还资金。

6.The Chevrolet Sonic hatchback that will hit dealers in September was designed in Asia by a joint venture run partly by GM's Chinese partner.即将于9月上市的雪佛兰Sonic两厢车的设计则来自于亚洲,由通用在中国的合资厂操刀。

7.Although GM's bankruptcy will be more comppcated and drawn out, a new entity should emerge before September.虽然通用的破产保护程序会更复杂,持续时间更长些,9月前也将确保一个“新通用”的诞生。

8.senior analyst Ray Zhou also sees Ford's retail share improving, up 9% so far this month, while GM's has fallen 18%.的资深分析师雷•周(音)也认为,本月迄今为止,福特的零售份额保持着上升之势,提高了9%,而通用汽车的零售份额下降了18%。

9.GM and Ford began their counter-attack last September by significantly extending vehicle warranties.通用汽车和福特于去年9月开始反击,大幅延长了汽车保修期限。

10.The U. S. Treasury had aimed to sell more of its 26. 5% stake in GM by August or September.美国财政部此前决定在8月或9月前将其持有的通用汽车26.5%股份的更大一部分卖出。