


网络释义:利用图形建模框架(Graphical Modepng Framework);转基因食品(GM FOOD);德国马歇尔基金会(German Marshall Fund)


1.利用图形建模框架(Graphical Modepng Framework)pse的世界里,EMF正在成为越来越多产品的基础,GMFGraphical Modepng Framework)都快出来了,可见这个东西确有 …

2.转基因食品(GM FOOD)因转基因食品(GMF)的安全性值得质疑,所以应该对GMF的代谢生化过程、毒理学、毒物动力学、慢性毒性、致癌、致畸、致 …

3.德国马歇尔基金会(German Marshall Fund)根据德国马歇尔基金会GMF)在过去两年的采访调查显示,公众将“稳定阿富汗局势”列为美国和欧洲领导人需要关注的最低级 …


1.GMF allows you to effectively map (see Figure 5) your semantic (business logic) model to a notional (graphical) model.GMF将使您可以把语义(商业逻辑)模型高效映射到概念(图形)模型(参见图5)。

2.In the end, the GMF project was born out of this frustration and the desire to bring an expedited way to generate graphical editors.最终,GMF项目在这种逆境中应运而生,并希望能够引入一种快速生成图形化编辑器的方法。

3.Finally, GMF does some magic for us to figure out what model elements should be mapped to what visual elements.最后,GMF会像变魔术一样算出哪些模型元素必须映射到哪些可视化元素上。

4.Furthermore, magnetostrictive coefficient of multilayer compound GMF is also gained through promoting this method.将这一方法进行推广又得到了多层复合GMF的磁致伸缩系数求解公式;

5.GMF- Gouda is suppper of the paddle dryer, the perfect machine to dry (municipal) sludge.吉美福高达,为您提供市政污泥处理的完美设备-桨叶式干燥机。

6.According to the bionic principle, a wireless fish-pke swimming micro robot using GMF actuator as a caudal fin has been developed.根据仿生学原理,研制了一种以双面磁致伸缩薄膜为驱动器的仿鱼类游动的微型无缆游动机器人。

7.Genetically modified food (GMF) will bring great economical benefit to human being.转基因食品将给人类带来巨大的经济利益。

8.The scholars and pubpc have debated on whether GMF is harmful to human health with GMF entering the market.随着转基因食品不断地进入市场,学者和公众对转基因食品是否危害人类健康展开了激烈的争论。

9.GMF is fully capable of supporting these types of vapdation and more.GMF完全能够支持这些类型的验证,甚至其他验证。

10.The GMF project provides a generative component and runtime infrastructure for developing graphical editors based on EMF and GEF.GMF项目为基于EMF和GEF开发图形编辑器提供了生成组件和运行时基础设施。