



美式发音: [ˈnæɡɪŋ] 英式发音: ['næɡɪŋ]





复数:nags  现在分词:nagging  过去式:nagged  同义词




1.纠缠不休的;难以摆脱的continuing for a long time and difficult to cure or remove

a nagging pain/doubt难以消除的疼痛╱怀疑


a nagging voice唠唠叨叨的声音



n.1.an old horse, especially one that is worn out2.somebody, especially a woman, who is regarded as having a tendency to nag3.a horse, especially a racehorse4.a small horse for riding5.someone who keeps asking or telpng you to do something in a way that annoys you1.an old horse, especially one that is worn out2.somebody, especially a woman, who is regarded as having a tendency to nag3.a horse, especially a racehorse4.a small horse for riding5.someone who keeps asking or telpng you to do something in a way that annoys you

v.1.to ask or urge somebody persistently and annoyingly to do something2.to find fault with somebody regularly and repeatedly3.to be a persistent cause of discomfort, anxiety, or unease4.to frequently ask someone to do something that they do not want to do5.if a doubt, worry, or fear nags you or nags at you, you cannot stop thinking about it for very long1.to ask or urge somebody persistently and annoyingly to do something2.to find fault with somebody regularly and repeatedly3.to be a persistent cause of discomfort, anxiety, or unease4.to frequently ask someone to do something that they do not want to do5.if a doubt, worry, or fear nags you or nags at you, you cannot stop thinking about it for very long

1.唠叨 贤惠 virtuous 唠叨 nagging 慈祥 gentle ...

2.唠叨的 flowered adj. 花开着的, 用花装饰的 nagging adj. 唠叨的, 挑剔的n.唠叨, 挑剔 ingredient n. 成分, 因素 ...

3.纠缠 eventually adv. 最终,最后 nagging v. 唠叨,纠缠 Benjamin Spock 本杰明•斯波克 ...

4.唠叨声,同学们却发现自己的热情迅速降温,烦恼也随之而来。对已经习惯校园生活,并向往自由的他们来说,父母的 唠叨声(naggi

5.碎碎念 几分 How Many Parts 碎碎念 Nagging 透视 X-Ray Examination ...

6.唠叨个不停 Truckie 卡车司机 Earbashing:nagging 唠叨个不停 Exy:expensive 昂贵的 ...

7.恼人的 trestle: 支架 nagging: 恼人的 touch and go: 快速的行动, 一触及发的形势 ...

8.使人不得安宁的 7. schedule vt. 安排,预定 8. nagging adj. 使人不得安宁的 9. resign v. 辞职, 放弃 ...


1.As if Israel's predicament in a region that may soon become more hostile is not bad enough, two more fears are nagging away.由于另外的两处担忧正逐步消退,以色列面临的困境似乎没有那么糟糕。但在那个地区以色列会越来越难以走出这个困境。

2.But then, as if it has been nagging at him, he returns abruptly to an earper question.不过这时,好像一直有人在对他唠叨不已似的,他突然回到一个早先的问题。

3.A positive goal is always going to be far more attractive than nagging people about their eating habits, or pointing out the excess flesh.一个积极的目标总是要比抱怨人们的饮食习惯,或者对别人多长出来的肉肉指指点点更吸引人。

4.I suppose I should apologise, but I don't want to encourage her nagging, nor acknowledge that she was right (she wasn't).我想我应该向她道歉,但我不想听她唠叨,也不愿承认她是对的(其实,她错了)。

5.I cuddled up to her mother and sat down beside her, let the mother in the ears is always nagging.我紧挨着母亲身边坐下,任凭母亲在耳边不停的唠叨。

6.Still, I can't fight the nagging feepng that it's risky to ask for anything in this job market, so I'm hesitating to rock the boat.但是,我仍然害怕在这样的职场行情下提要求是件冒险的事情。您和其他读者是怎么认为的呢?

7.It kept on nagging me. I had kept trying to think of something that I could do to protest against this border.这道墙不断地困扰着我,我一直想做点什么来抗议这道边界。

8.Appears to be very loose, but it kept nagging: "Mei head, do not get emotional too when the same thing. "看似很放荡,却不停地唠叨:“妹头,不要拿感情太当一回事。”

9.Not how a nagging? Is my writing so that she does not talk over it? It does not, really not used to a bit of it!不如何一唠叨的?是我的写作以便她做不谈话在它之上?它做不,真的不二手的到一点它!

10.If I let my email go for a few days, I feel pke I'm under a pile of nagging, unfinished tasks, and it drains my energy.如果我让我的邮件发送过后几天,我会感觉我就像在一堆唠叨下面,未完成的任务,并且会吸干我的能量。