



美式发音: [sɑrˈdin] 英式发音: [sɑː(r)ˈdiːn]






n.1.Same as sard2.a silver fish used for food, either cooked and eaten fresh or preserved in cans metal containers

1.沙丁鱼 lobsters 龙虾 sardines 沙丁鱼 sharks 鲨鱼 ...

2.沙丁油鱼 沙丁鱼三文治 Sardine sandwich 沙丁油鱼 Sardines 沙鸡龙虾 Lobster with sandgrouse ...

3.沙丁鱼罐头含丰富奥米加三脂肪酸鱼类,即肉色较深的深海鱼,例如沙甸鱼sardines)、鲭鱼(mackerel)、希灵鱼(herring)、吞拿 …

5.沙丁鱼图片 鬼节西葫芦图片 Halloween pumpkin 沙丁鱼图片 sardines 图片 Glarner Landsgem…

6.沙丁鱼吞拿鱼 Tuna & Mackerel 鲭鱼吞拿鱼 70g Tuna & Sardines 沙丁鱼吞拿鱼 70g Tuna & Salmon 三文鱼吞拿 …


1.It had a wire leader and a medium- sized hook and he baited it with one of the sardines.钓丝上系着一段铁丝导线和一只中号钓钩,他拿一条沙丁鱼挂在上面。

2.Sitting down on a dilapidated wooden fence near the field, we opened a couple of tins of sardines and HAD a picnic lunch.我们在靠近这块田的已经倒塌了的木栅栏上坐下来,打开了两听沙丁鱼罐头,吃一顿野餐中饭。

3.Jason Heller photographed up to 1000 dolphins driving the shoals of sardines towards the surface.当时,在近1000只海豚的驱赶下,沙丁鱼群被逼上水面。

4.The train carriage was just pke a can of sardines and I could hardly breathe.火车车厢像个沙丁鱼罐头似的,人多得我几乎不能呼吸了。

5.Reaching into my cupboard - an orange crate nailed to the wall - I pulled out all that was there: two cans of sardines.我打开橱柜--一只钉在墙上的桔黄色板条箱--把里面的东西全部弄了出来:两罐沙丁鱼。

6.Eating at least three servings a week of fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna is a good start.开始可以每星期至少吃三次鲑鱼、沙丁鱼、鲭鱼和金枪鱼等。

7.This may be because we've brought suitcases full of dried cake, canned sardines, and sausages, which would keep during the long journey.这也许是因为我们带着装满干硬糕点、罐头沙丁鱼和香肠的手提箱的缘故。

8.We had seats, but had to ask people to move to sit in my seat and the aisle became completely packed with people pke sardines in a can.我们有座,但是却不得不让他人让开才干坐。过道里站满了人,就像罐头里的沙丁鱼一样。

9.Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach, they pe packed pke sardines on the beach to enjoy the sun bathing.每天夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。

10.Wait for the flames to die down, then place the sardines directly over the heat, in batches if necessary.等火焰熄灭,然后将沙丁鱼直接放到烤架上,如果需要可以成组放。