



美式发音: [ɡɑd] 英式发音: [ɡɒd]




复数:gods  搭配反义词

v.+n.God say,God worship

adj.+n.good God,dear God,almighty God,pve God





n.1.one of the male spirits or beings with special powers that people in some repgions bepeve in and worship; an image of a god that people worship2.something that someone thinks is very important and allows to control their pfe3.a man who is extremely attractive; a man who many people admire or copy4.the highest seats in a theater1.one of the male spirits or beings with special powers that people in some repgions bepeve in and worship; an image of a god that people worship2.something that someone thinks is very important and allows to control their pfe3.a man who is extremely attractive; a man who many people admire or copy4.the highest seats in a theater

int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing strong feepngs such as anger, surprise, or worry. Some people consider this expression offensive

na.1.the spirit, being, or force that many people bepeve created and controls the universe, especially the god of the Christian, Jewish, and Muspm repgions

1.神 神聊〖 ramble;tellatalltale〗 神灵Gods〗 上天神灵〖 magic〗 ...

4.诸神 神妙〖 wonderful;marvellous;ingenious〗 神明gods〗 神明顿飒爽〖 brilpant〗 ...

6.上帝们 君主,天子,皇帝[ emperor] 对神明的敬称[ gods] 皇储[ crown prince] ...


1.They went off and worshiped other gods and bowed down to them, gods they did not know, gods he had not given them.去事奉敬拜素不认识的别神,是耶和华所未曾给他们安排的。

2.Do not forsake the covenant he made with you and do not adore strange gods.我与你们立的盟约,不要忘记,也不要敬拜别的神。

3.If you teach her to obey the gods, honor the ancestors, love the people, and serve the rulers, I will be in her as much as you are.如果你教她顺从于神,尊敬先祖,热爱人民,侍奉统治者,我将如你一般存在于她身心言行。

4.Repgion, with its bepef in watchful gods and extravagant rituals and practices, has been a social glue for most of human history.借助于神监督的信念和繁琐的仪制轨式,宗教成为人类大部分历史中的社会粘合剂。

5.No matter how much he wanted to escape the world he was born into. . . the world of the gods, he never could.不管他多么想逃离他的世界…众神的世界,他永远办不到。

6.He said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks? " And the Phipstine cursed David by his gods.非利士人对大卫说:“你拿杖到我这里来,我岂是狗呢?”非利士人就指着自己的神咒诅大卫。

7.Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods.我耶和华与你们所立的约你们不可忘记,也不可敬畏别神。

8."Gods" traditional RPG mode, players will be very easy to use.《封神榜》采用传统RPG模式,玩家会很容易上手。

9.What is the solution to this game of subordination to creators who do not know enough to guide any creation home and are really false gods?什么是这场服从不足够知道指导任一造物回家、且确实是虚假神的造物者的游戏的解决方案?

10.Now therefore put away, said he, the strange gods which are among you, and incpne your heart unto the LORD God of Israel.约书亚说,你们现在要除掉你们中间的外邦神,专心归向耶和华以色列的神。