




1.咕噜史麦戈又名咕噜Gollum),是托尔金(JRR Tolkien)小说内的虚构角色,他在《哈比人历险记》里首次登场,并是续作《魔 …

2.咕噜姆咕噜姆Gollum):曾是霍比特人三个支系中史图尔人的一名平民,曾是魔戒持有者,本名为斯米戈尔(Smeagol)。捡到魔 …

3.古鲁姆的怪物古鲁姆(Gollum),魔戒曾经为他带来了长寿与隐身之道直到弗拉多的前辈毕尔博拿走了这枚戒指。 由于通向莫都的路途 …

4.咕鲁反观咕鲁Gollum)自私自利 的本质,他为追求超自然的能力源头(即魔戒)杀害挚友,利慾薰心而诱导造成 贪婪,最后因恐 …

5.怪物咕噜比尔博在黑暗中摸到了一潭如墨的地湖边,却落入了可怕的怪物咕噜(Gollum)手里。经过一场惊心动魄的猜谜比赛,比尔博终于 …

6.魔戒中的咕噜魔戒中的咕噜 (Gollum)最佳解答 网友票选 参考资料 自己 相关词: 看另一则问题 更多 其他回答 (2) 意见 (0) 相关评论 (0)


8.魔戒的咕噜魔戒的咕噜Gollum),山姆相当讨厌咕鲁,并提醒佛罗多提防咕鲁。当佛罗多发觉咕鲁带领他们到巨蛛尸罗(Shelob)的巢 …


1.As with Gollum, an actor's expressions were being used to guide, rather than drive, the expressions of a virtual character.正如咕噜姆的情况一样,演员的表情是用来引导而非操纵虚拟角色的表情的。

2.One frame of Gollum would take around eight minutes to render, while one frame of Treebeard could take up to 48 hours to render.咕噜模型渲染一帧大概需要8分钟时间,而树胡模型渲染一帧需要花去大约48小时的时间。

3.Gollum s Song Where once was pght, now darkness falls. Where once was love, love is no more. Don't say goodbye. Don't say I didn't try.曾经也有过光明,如今漆黑一片。曾经心中也有爱,现在爱已泯灭。不要说你想离开。不要说是我不好。

4.the ring came to the creature gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the misty mountains. and there, it consumed him.魔戒到怪物咕噜姆的手里,他带着戒指深潜进入迷雾山脉下的坑道,在那儿,魔戒摧残着他的身心。

5.Gollum: No. Not very nice at all, my love. She hungers for sweeter meats, Hobbit-meat.古鲁姆:是呀,一点儿也不好吃,我亲爱的。她渴望弄一些甜嫩的肉,霍比特人的肉。

6.But it took computers to bring Gollum to pfe, creating animated images of the character that smoothly blend with the actors on the screen.但是,在计算机,使古鲁姆的生命,创造动画图片的字符,顺利地融为一体,演员在屏幕上。

7.Gollum is a digital20 character, but he had a human stand-in21 for his fight scene with Sam the hobbit, played by Sean Astin.戈蓝是一个数码合成的人物,可是,在他同由辛•亚斯汀扮演的霍比人山姆的那一场打斗戏中,他有一个真人替身。

8.Conceptual artist John Howe was the model for Gollum's sinewy arms.概念艺术家约翰·豪的胳膊是咕噜强壮有力的胳膊的原型。

9.A new technique for creating reapstic translucent materials was developed for the creation of Gollum.在创作咕噜模型时,用到了一种新的透明材质技术。

10.Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill. . . before this is over.不论好坏,我的直觉告诉我咕噜尚有他自己的角色去扮演……在这一切都结束之前。