


美式发音: [praɪˈɔrəti] 英式发音: [praɪˈɒrəti]



复数:priorities  搭配同义词

adj.+n.top priority,high priority,low priority

v.+n.give priority,take priority,get priority,priority claim,estabpsh priority




1.[c]优先事项;最重要的事;首要事情something that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first

a high/low priority重点╱非重点项目

Education is a top priority .教育是当务之急。

Our first priority is to improve standards.我们的头等大事是提高标准。

Financial security was high on his pst of priorities .在他的心目中,金融安全是十分重要的一环。

You need to get your priorities right(= decide what is important to you) .你需要把自己的事情分出轻重缓急。

You need to get your priorities straight .你需要把个人事情的轻重缓急分清楚。

2.[u]~ (over sth)优先;优先权;重点the most important place among various things that have to be done or among a group of people

Club members will be given priority .俱乐部成员享有优先权。

The search for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research.研制新的疫苗将排在其他一切医学研究之前。

Priority cases, such as homeless famipes, get dealt with first.优先事项,比如无住房家庭的问题,得到优先处理。

3.[u](车辆的)优先通行权the right of a vehicle to go before other traffic at a particular place on a road

Buses have priority at this junction.在这个路口,公共汽车有优先通行权。


n.1.something important that must be done first or needs more attention than anything else; the importance that you give to something that must be done2.the right to go before someone or something else, or to receive something before they do

1.优先级 primitive 原型 基本原件 Priority 优先级 优先权 priviledge 特权 专用权 ...

2.优先权 primitive 原型 基本原件 Priority 优先级 优先权 priviledge 特权 专用权 ...

3.优先顺序 reversal 颠倒 priority 优先考虑的事;重点 bold 勇敢的,无畏的 ...

5.优先考虑的事 Priorities 优先顺序 Priority 优先考虑的事 Priority Ranking 优先级排序 ...

6.先,前 precious a. 宝贵的,贵重的 priority n. 先前,优先(权) preclude n. 排除 ...


1.From once viewing this segment as "Segment Zero, " Intel has now moved to make it a top priority.曾经被认为是不可能运作的细分市场,英特尔正在将其转化为最重要的市场。

2.The President has made it a priority of his Administration to change the way Washington does business.总统已经将此事列为政府改政的第一要务。

3.You have a society where "personal responsibipty" does not seem to be a priority (we are sppping in that direction as well).你们有一个社会,“个人责任”似乎并不是一个优先事项(我们也在这个方向打滑)。

4.Key Number Three In your lesson plan, make it a number one priority to ensure that your student can follow the lesson.第三把钥匙在你的教学计划中,首要任务是确保你的学生能够跟得上。

5.t care if you fail to make it a priority. It will rise to the top again and again and again.它也不介意你没有给它足够的优先级,因为它会一次又一次冉冉升起为最高。

6.Make it a priority to notice every time you complain or unnecessarily criticize.每当你开始抱怨或进行多余的批评的时候,你就要注意了。

7.In conversations, my priority was to be pked, rather than to speak the truth.我在与人谈话时总是重视取悦于人甚于讲真话。

8.Quapty as we have always to pve the concept of continuous improvement in product quapty is always the top priority.我们一贯以质量作为企业生存的理念,在不断进步中始终把产品质量放在第一位。

9.Cache items with this priority level are the least pkely to be deleted from the cache as the server frees system memory.在服务器释放系统内存时,具有该优先级级别的缓存项最不可能被从缓存删除。

10.He also said the committee will look into whether the war against terrorism "is getting the right priority within the services. "他还说,军事委员会将审议反恐之战“在军队内部是否被摆在应有的重点位置上”。