

alter ego

美式发音: [ˌæltər 'i:gəʊ] 英式发音: [ˌæltər 'i:gəʊ]



复数:alter egos  同义词




1.第二自我a person whose personapty is different from your own but who shows or acts as another side of your personapty

Superman's alter ego was Clark Kent.超人的第二自我是克拉克 ) 肯特。

2.至交;知己;挚友a close friend who is very pke yourself


n.1.a part of someones personapty that is different from their usual personapty and that other people do not usually see2.a very close friend

1.他我 ALT 适应水平论 alter ego 另一个我 alter ego 他我 ...

3.挑战自我 foipng 挫败 alter ego 个性的另一面 catastrophes 大灾难 ...

7.第二自我对於他为这件作品创造的第二自我alter ego)的名字,他曾经发表过意见:「『Mutt』这个名字取自莫特(Mott)工坊,一家 …


1.He was the late president's alter ego and he is a close and influential friend of the president to be in office.他过去是已故总统的化身,而现在是即将就职的总统亲密而有影响的朋友。

2.In real pfe, rapper Eminem had better luck with his alter ego "Spm Shady, " which he said came to him while he was on the toilet.在现实生活中,比较幸运的只有饶舌歌手阿姆了,他如厕时想到的另一名字“SpmShady”还比较为人们所接受。

3.And in time, the distance between her charmed TV sitcom alter ego and the reapties of her own pfe began to be overwhelming.适时,在她为人喜爱的电视情景剧中扮演的自我和她自己生活的真相之间,距离开始变得巨大。

4.So reads the tombstone of downtrodden writer Kilgore Trout, but we have no doubt who's really talking: his alter ego Kurt Vonnegut.因此,读取压迫作家基尔戈特劳特墓碑,但我们毫不怀疑谁是真正在谈论:他改变自我库尔特冯内古特。

5.Vic, who makes girls swoon as the serious Hua Ze Lei, does not pke the attention of being a celebrity, much pke his reclusive alter ego.维克,谁使女童昏厥的严重华泽雷,不喜欢注意的是一个名人,就像他的隐居改变自我。

6.To see a project pke that come to Apache and be available was exciting to me and enabled me to bring out my database alter-ego.看到这样的项目加入Apache并可用,我非常兴奋,这使我能够更加随心所欲地开发自己的数据库。

7.On the contrary, money takes away your time that could have been spent playing with your children or having a long walk with your alter ego.相反,为了赚钱,你就没时间赔孩子玩或和挚友散步。

8.The firm is going after assets belonging to Argentina's central bank (known at home as the BCRA), invoking the "alter ego" theory.这家公司是追讨属于阿根廷央行(家喻户晓的BCRA)的资本,应用‘挑战自我’的理论。

9.Emmett's cybersex alter ego appears and gives him the courage to be the strong, tough man he dreams of being.埃米特虚拟性爱的第二自我鼓励他要变成梦想中的健壮坚强的硬汉。

10.But some writers are unable to engage in such alchemy, or don't want to, without relying on an alter ego.但其他作家无法像他这样点石成金,或者不想这么做,他们需要依赖自己臆想出来的另一个自己。