


美式发音: [ˈɡufi] 英式发音: [ˈɡuːfi]



比较级:goofier  最高级:goofiest  



1.愚蠢的;傻的silly; stupid

a goofy grin龇牙咧嘴的傻笑


adj.1.silly, especially in a funny or pleasant way2.goofy teeth stick out and are not straight

1.高飞 impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的, 感人的 goofy adj. 愚笨的, 傻瓜的 cooks n. 厨师v.烹调, 煮, 伪造 ...


6.傻瓜的 impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的, 感人的 goofy adj. 愚笨的, 傻瓜的 cooks n. 厨师v.烹调, 煮, 伪造 ...

7.高菲狗 gloaming 黄昏 goofy 愚蠢的 grace 优雅自然 ...


1.But for whatever goofy reason, the Rockets seem to have more confidence against the Spurs than against the physical Jazz.但是,不管你有什么愚蠢的理由,地球人都知道火箭打马刺比打爵士更有信心。

2.Love it or hate it, in the last few years, Flash is suddenly being used for more than just animations of popticians singing goofy songs.不管爱她还是恨她,最近几年,Flash的用途突然间不仅仅是制作政治人物弱智歌曲演唱动画而已了。

3.The kids seemed bored silly, and if it took a goofy foreigner to entertain them, I was prepared to be that person.孩子们看来是呆的无聊透了。假如需要一个傻乎乎的外国人来逗他们玩,我愿意做那个人。

4.They laugh, chat and occasionally hop up to break into a goofy dance.他们笑着、讨论着,有时候甚至突然蹦起来跳一段滑稽的舞蹈。

5.My kids tell me to put them on so I don't freak people out when they see me with a goofy hairdo and no makeup. '我的孩子们告诉我要戴上太阳镜,这样人们看到我怪异的发型和素面朝天的样子就不会被吓着了。

6.Power forward, goofy is a grandson, house is supposed to fly, and he was urgently waiting to fall in love, marry hope house, let the child.大国提出,高飞是长孙,房子理应是高飞的,而且他正在谈恋爱,急等着房子结婚,希望大家让着孩子点儿。

7.And for Disney, the business has an added bonus: Chinese children weaned on Mickey and Goofy may one day demand to be taken to a theme park.此外,对于迪士尼公司来说,该业务还有一项额外的收益:对米奇和古非迷恋的中国孩子可能有一天会要求其父母带他们到主题公园玩。

8.She adored her son and kept him close, but couldn't bear to be his mother, preferring to be "Susan" , his "goofy big sister" .她爱自己的儿子,与他关系密切,却不能忍受做他的母亲,而是想成为“苏珊”,他的“傻姐姐”。

9.The image of a satyr, by contrast although of the same size and material, has a goofy sweetness about it, pke a creature pleasantly tipsy.而相比之下,森里之神萨梯(satyr)的画像,虽大小相同、材质无异,却是面相和善,略显愚钝,看似醉意微醺。

10.Now imagine what that monkey would do to your goofy, non-banana bringing ass if you tried to make him wear a funny hat and a necktie.现在再想象那只猴子会对你这个又蠢又不给香蕉的傻x怎么样,如果你试图给它带上一顶滑稽的帽子还要系上一条领带的话!