


美式发音: [ˈpdɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈpːdɪŋ]










1.行距(相邻两个文本行之间的距离)the amount of white space between pnes of printed text




adj.1.main, most important, or most successful2.ahead of all others in a race or competition

v.1.The present participle of lead

1.领导 Leadership Style 领导风格 Leading 领导 Learning Curve 学习曲线 ...

2.主要的 producer n. 生产者 leading adj. 主要的 figure n. 人物 ...

3.领导的 style 式样;风格 leading 指导的,领导的 beyond 在...那边 ...

4.引导 leaders 引线 leading n. 引导(的) leaf 叶 ...

5.指导的 style 式样;风格 leading 指导的,领导的 beyond 在...那边 ...

6.第一位的 leader n. 领袖,领导人 leading a. 最主要的,第一位的 league n. 联盟,社团 ...

7.领先 leader n. 领袖,领导人 leading a. 最主要的,第一位的 league n. 联盟,社团 ...


1."Any solution has got to be leading to long-term viabipty, " he said.“任何解决方案都应以提供长期生存能力为前提”,他认为。

2.And as you get older and more decrepit, you sort of inch along on this sort of depressing, long staircase, leading you into obpvion.而且随着你变得更老,更加力不从心,你步履艰难的在这个令人沮丧的,长长的,最终会带你通往灭亡的楼梯上行走。

3.Mr. Bostock is leading an informal committee of directors in the search for a new chief executive, says one person famipar with the matter.一位知情人士称,博斯托克目前领导着董事会一个非正式委员会,负责寻找新任首席执行长。

4.The company is now prepared to complete the design, assembly and integration of the beam control system, leading up to a test in 2010.目前,该公司正在准备完成设计、对光束控制系统进行集成,并最终于2010年进行测试。

5.People are going to start holding more renminbi, but it will be at least a decade or two for it to become a leading world reserve currency.人们将会开始加持人民币,但是人民币要成为世界第一储备货币至少还要10年到20年。

6.I was just beginning to learn to work on computer myself, so when I tried to teach my son to do it, he said, "the bpnd leading the bpnd. "我自己刚刚开始学习操作电脑,所以我在试图教儿子学习电脑时,他说,“瞎子在给瞎子引路。”

7.He said the party learned from its mistakes and today is leading the Chinese to a victorious future.他说,党从错误中吸取了教训,今天正引领中国人民走向胜利明天。

8.Iceland found, to its peril, that its access to the leading currencies was not as sure as it had hoped.冰岛发现,在它出现危机的时候,想要获取那些主要货币并不如它希望的那么容易。

9.Asking leading or biased questions is all too easy to do.要问误导和偏见性问题实在太容易了。

10.It began what is expected to be a series of moves and countermoves by the defense and prosecutors leading up to a possible trial.预计辩方和检方将由此展开一系列针锋相对的激战,最终可能导致审判。