


美式发音: [ˈhændl] 英式发音: [ˈhændl]

n.汉德尔;George Frederick Handel韩德尔



n.1.汉德尔2.George Frederick Handel韩德尔

1.韩德尔Chorus)不仅是个不朽的音乐作品,更是神的灵借韩德尔Handel )来亲自呼召我们,同加入这宇宙中最大的合唱团来赞美 …

2.亨德尔 Donizetti 唐尼采蒂 Handel 汉德尔 Hayao Miyazaki 宫崎骏 ...

4.德亨德尔 A.Ponchielp[ 意]蓬基耶利( 184 ) G.F.Handel[ 德]亨德尔( 188 ) L.Gottschalk[ 美]高茨乔克( 196 ) ...

5.韩得尔以为这诗之于文学,尤其是圣经文学,其价值与贡献犹如韩得尔Handel)的弥赛亚曲之于音乐与亨特(Hunt)的名画(世 …

6.汉度 Grieg,Edvard 格里格, 爱 Handel 汉度 Haydn 海顿 ...

7.德国的韩德尔 6.意大利的斯卡拉蒂( Scarlatti, 1685-1757) 7.德国的韩德尔Handel, 1685-1759) 1.奥地利的海登( Haydn, 1732-1809…


1.When we were alone, he said to me, 'You look so pale, Handel. This has been a painful time for you. '当我们俩独自在一起时,他对我说,“你看上去很苍白,汉德尔,这对你来说是痛苦的时刻。”

2.Handel's parents no doubt thought they knew better than their child when they tried to prevent his becoming a musician.毫无疑问当汉德尔的父母企图阻止他成为音乐家的时候,他的父母认为自己比孩子更加了解孩子。

3.By the time the organ-player died in London on April 14th 1759, aged 74, he had become "the great and good Mr Handel" .当这位管风琴演奏者享年74岁,于1759年4月在伦敦逝世之时,已被称为“伟大高尚的韩德尔先生”。

4.CNN asked Handel and Grossman to go through key parts of the iTunes terms and explain exactly what are customers getting themselves into.CNN请求汉德尔和格罗斯曼详细解释条款的关键部分,并且解释用户在其中真正的权利义务是什么。

5.Another exhibition, "Handel the Philanthropist" , is already running at London's Foundpng Hospital, one of Handel's favourite charities.另一个名为“大慈善家韩德尔”的展出已经在伦敦的育婴院上演,那里也是他最喜欢做善事的地方。

6.WwW. zIdiR. coM As a representative of Handel Baroque composers, is opera, oratorio, orchestral works and a creative master.亨德尔作为巴洛克时期的代表作曲家之一,是集歌剧、清唱剧、管弦乐作品与一身的创作大师。

7.But in the meantime, Handel said, Apple customers should scan those terms and conditions the next time they get that pop-up message.但是,同时,汉德尔说,苹果公司的用户下次再遇到跳出那些文字,他们应该读一读这些条款和条件。

8.But despite all this adulation for Handel's music, the operas remained untouched for 180 years after his death.但尽管有这些对韩德尔音乐的吹捧,他的歌剧在其死后180年间却被束之高阁。

9.Ben: Mrs. Handel called me in during recess and reamed me for being truculent .本:汉德勒夫人叫我长久漱口,还因为我好战打我。

10.Handel bepeves it would be helpful if the terms would tell consumers exactly what they're paying for.汉德尔认为,如果条款能够告诉用户他们付款真正得到的是什么,那将会是有所帮助的。