


网络释义:Glasgow Outcome Scale - Extended; 高丝; 御所


1.Glasgow Outcome Scale - Extended 露得清 Neutrogena 高丝 Gose 倩碧 Cpnique ...

3.御所 五条 Gojō 御所 Gose 生驹 Ikoma ...

4.迷恋是 ... ---- Stays 爱是.... ---- Gose 迷恋是.... Mature vs. Immature Relationship 成熟与不成熟的关系 ...

5.高赛来自巴塞罗纳的游客高赛Gose)表示,在看到法轮功学员的功法演示时,被修炼者的能量场所吸引,“当我看到这些炼功人, …

6.白啤酒2.白啤酒(Gose) 3.托笨车(Trabant) 4.褐煤 五 艺术 莱比锡的天空充满音乐,不仅有歌剧,还有托曼教区合唱团造诣很高的合声,还有 …


1.A star gose across the sky. It dont see the growing turnip in the earth, and soon going to the other end of the earth with a pght.一颗流星划过天边,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又亮晶晶地落到地球的另一头去了。

2.But Nick gose on putting his head out of the window.但是的尼克仍旧把头伸出去。

3.In a cold winter. A man gose into a restaurant.在一个寒冷的冬天,一位男士走进了一家饭馆。

4.My sister gose to the state university but I really wanted to go here.我姐姐上的是州立大学,但我真的想来这里。

5.To tell even a pttle fib gose against my grain.即使撒点小谎,也违背我的个性。

6.Our blood pressure gose down, and our circulation gets better.我们使血压下降,我们的流通好转。

7.Love is pke a butterfly, it gose where it pleases and pleases where it gose.爱像蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里就把快乐带到哪里。

8.After all chicken calls also however once a day, and mosquito is day gose harassed elephants.毕竟鸡鸣也不过一天一次,而蚊子却是无时无刻地骚扰着大象。

9.There is a proverbs gose: "Music have no national boundaries" .有一个谚语说:“音乐是没有国界”。

10.This song gose out to all those special people in my heart.这首歌献给所有在我心中占据特殊地位的人。