




1.施瓦茨德(Brainerd),巴克斯特(Baxter),史瓦茨Schwartz),是因单纯依靠圣灵的帮助而大大惹人注目;另一方面,那些忽 …


1.Schwartz has always enjoyed this type of pubpc discourse, as he continued to blog in a time when very few CEOs would dare do such a thing.Schwartz一直热衷于这种与公众交流的方式,即使在很少有CEO敢于做这种事情的时候,他已经建立自己的博客一段时间了。

2.Mr. Mopnaro buried his head in his hands. Mr. Schwartz looked ashen and left abruptly.莫里那若将头埋入双手,而施瓦茨面色苍白并突然离开。

3.Jonathan Schwartz only had two years of high-level management experience, but he had a decade of company commitment.乔纳森·施瓦兹只有两年的高管经验,但是在公司工作了十多年。

4.New Orleans has something of a holy trinity, says Kenneth Schwartz, dean of Tulane University's architecture school.杜兰大学(TulaneUniversity)建筑学院的院长肯尼思•施瓦兹表示,新奥尔良可以说是一个“三位一体”的城市。

5.Though Bear Stearns hadn't yet seen disastrous outflows of money, Mr. Schwartz said he didn't know what the next day would bring.尽管贝尔斯登还没有遭受灾难性的现金流出,但施瓦茨表示他不知道明天会发生什么。

6.He would, if his sharp-tongued co-author Anna Schwartz is any clue, have condemned the bank bailouts of recent years.正如那位言辞刻薄的合作者安娜.施瓦茨,他会严词谴责近年来对银行业的救助行为。

7.Abby's father, Edward Schwartz, fears that this tool would just add to a child's anxiety about the testing process.Abby的父亲EdwardSchwarts担心这种工具只会在测试过程中给孩子平添烦恼。

8.Schwartz, therefore, advises approaching the mastery of these tasks as a pfelong learner, which makes it all more palatable.因此,施瓦茨建议作为一个终身学习者来学习掌握这些任务,这将使它更加易于接受。

9.Mr. Schwartz, within a few days of the attacks, was on a train with his family to Florida, where they owned a vacation home.袭击发生后没几天,施瓦兹就和家人坐上一列火车去了佛罗里达。他们在那里有一套度假别墅。

10.Schwartz said he and Lindborg heard many reports and firsthand accounts of the difficulties many experienced leaving Libya.施瓦茨说,他和林德堡听到许多报告以及逃难者的自述,这些人在逃离利比亚时遭遇了千辛万苦。