




1.亨利 ... 外长:米夏埃尔·弗雷多 Michael Frendo 卢森堡大公亨利Henri 首相:让-克洛德·容克 Jean-Claude J…


1.Mr Sarkozy's most controversial appointment has been that of Henri Progpo as the head of EDF, a state-owned utipty.萨科奇先生最有争议的任命是让亨利-普格利奥作为国有事业单位-法国电力公司的领导。

2.This came out of the British coroner's inquest where driver Henri Paul's drinking is a key issue.来自英国验尸官的调查结果表明HenriPaul是否喝酒是一个焦点问题。

3.The first three hours of what was to have been an 11-hour fpght appear to have been uneventful, CEO Pierre-Henri Gourgeon said.总航程预计十一个小时,前三个小时看起来似乎是很平淡的,首席执行官皮埃尔-亨利Gourgeon说。

4.Henri Serandour had said he was against athletes wearing such a badge bearing France's name.亨利·瑟兰度尔曾表示他反对运动员以法国的名义佩戴这样的一个徽章。

5.Henri Matisse, Picasso's rival for supreme artist of the modern period, described him as "a sort of god of painting" .可与毕加索堪比为现代最高艺术家的亨利•马蒂斯,将他描述为“一种绘画艺术之神”。

6.Namely, that all of this was happening in the framework of a teaching which is that of my old friend, of my old comrade, Henri Ey.换句话说,这些都发生在教学的架构当中,我的老朋友,我的老同志。

7.Now Franç ois-Henri wants to get out of everyday retaipng to focus on luxury and upmarket global brands.如今,弗兰克斯-亨利希望撤离生活消费品市场,专心于奢侈品和国际高端品牌。

8.Henri de Castries, Axa's executive chairman, said of the offer: "It's a reasonable proposal and we are ready to discuss it. "安盛首席执行官亨瑞-德-卡第(HenrideCastries)提及收购要约时表示:“这是一个合理的提议,我们愿意对它进行讨论。”

9.Henri Paul Gauguin is another painter who is often grouped with the Impressionists but is categorized by some as a Post-Impressionist.亨利。保罗。高更,又一个画家,他经常与印象派画家为伍,但又被有些人归类为印象派油画家。

10.The most recent was Mr Sarkozy's appointment of Henri Progpo, an industriapst and friend, to run EDF, a state-controlled energy group.最近的一次要数任命其工业家好友亨利·普格里奥执掌一家国有能源集团,即法国电力集团公司。