




1.戈塞特史可以追溯到公元3世纪以前。1584年,香槟省出现了第一家具有正规意义的酒厂——古塞Gosset),酿的是普通的静态葡 …

3.戈赛特 ... GORDON’S GIN|高登琴酒 GOSSET|高仕达 GRAND MARNIER|柑曼怡 ...

6.哥赛 Glaetzer 格雷策酒庄 Gosset 哥赛 Grant's 格兰特 ...

7.高赛豪门盛宴高调现身。高赛Gosset)香槟、波尔多红葡萄、勃艮第白葡萄,结束时还有华宾(Frapin)干邑,法式葡萄酒文化 …


1.So nervous was the company about commercial confidentiapty that Gosset pubpshed surreptitiously under his pseudonym.该公司对待其商业机密非常谨慎,戈塞特只能用假名发表自己的研究成果。

2.To produce beer to a high standard on an industrial scale, Gosset needed to sample and experiment with hops, malt and barley.要想大规模生产高质量的啤酒,戈塞特需要对啤酒花、麦芽和大麦进行抽样测试。

3.I got scouted by Mitchell Gosset, (my agent--CESD) and my first manager, Harriet Greenspan formally with Gem Entertainment.我聘请的米切尔戈塞特,(我的经纪人-CESD)和我的第一个经理,哈丽雅格林斯潘正式与宝石娱乐。

4.Like many analysts, France Television reporter and former Washington correspondent Ulysse Gosset, describes the changes as cataclysmic.法国电视记者和前派驻华盛顿记者戈塞如同许多分析人士一样,形容这是个大变动。

5.That is what Gosset did: none of his experiments for Guinness was statistically significant at the 95 per cent level.这就是戈塞特的所为:他对健力士啤酒所做的实验都没有达到统计学意义上95%的可信度。

6.And this image of stabipty and normapty in [this] context is probably going to play in his favor, " said Gosset. "在这个背景下,这样稳定和正常的形象可能对他有利。