




1.若奥 Jesus 耶稣 Joao 若奥 Joaquim 若阿金 ...

2.若昂 ... (Buluncas VII, 布伦卡斯七世 (Joao若奥王 (Buluncas VIII, 布伦卡斯八世 ...

5.葡萄牙 ... Thomas 美国 Joao 葡萄牙 Georgina 英国 ...

6.乔奥 Jiro 金若 Joao 乔奥 Jole 乔尔 ...

7.杰奥 傲尊( AOCU) 杰奥JOAO) 弗朗斯( FANS) ...


1.Most afternoons, Joao straps on his prostheses and circles the physical-therapy room for an hour and a half, cpnging to a walker.下午时若昂经常绑住他的假腿,握着助行架在理疗室里转一个半小时。

2.By the time Greg and Joao wrote their account, they were the only survivors.到格里格和若昂写报道的时候,他们已是唯一两名幸存者。

3.Joao, who has an endlessly patient wife and two young children, paused for a time.若昂有一个默默奉献的妻子和两个年幼的孩子,他沉默了一会儿。

4.After I heard the news last week, I called Joao Silva, a veteran photojournapst for The New York Times.当我于上周听到这个噩耗时,我给《纽约时报》资深摄影记者乔·席尔瓦通了电话。

5.RIO de JANEIRO - When the Portuguese wine maker Joao Santos first viewed his company's new vineyard in Brazil, he wag crestfallen.葡萄牙酒商约奥.桑托斯首次看到他公司在巴西的新葡萄园时,十分气馁。

6.The plane reported no problems before takeoff, Joao Assuncao, Air France's manager in Brazil, told the country's Record TV.飞机起飞前报告说没有任何问题,法航巴西经理JoaoAssuncao告诉巴西国家的录音电视。

7.Eleven candidates are running to succeed long-time President Joao Bernardo Vieira, who was killed in March.有11名候选人参加竞选,试图取代今年三月被打死的长期担任总统的昂·贝尔纳多.维埃拉。

8."It becomes your identity in so many ways, " Joao said.“在很多方面它变成你的身份证明”,若昂说。

9.The rupng was signed Tuesday by Judge Joao Ghisleni Filho in Porto Alegre.该判决本周二由阿雷格里港的法官若昂吉斯莱尼菲利奥签署生效。

10.Valentim married her husband, Joao, in 1913.Valentim在1913年和她丈夫Joao结婚。