



美式发音: [ˈɡɑsɪp] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒsɪp]



复数:gossips  现在分词:gossiping  过去式:gossiped  同义词




n.1.conversation about unimportant subjects, especially peoples private lives2.sb. who habitually discusses the personal details of others' lives

v.1.to spread rumours or tell people the personal details of others' lives, especially maliciously


1.They gossiped together over the corpse, related anecdotes, with embellishments, of her lingering decline, and its real or supposed cause.他们一起在尸体旁边聊天,加油添醋地谈她缠绵枕席时种种轶闻,以及生病的真正的或想象的原因。

2.Now I realize that if he'd gone to Old Melchor's he might never have met the French Woman, and no one would have gossiped about them.现在我才明白,他若是去老梅尔乔理发馆的话,他可能永远都不会见到那个法国女人的,也就不会有人对他说三道四了。

3.In Colonial America, men sometimes "sued for slander if neighbors gossiped that a husband was allowing his wife to usurp his authority. "在殖民时期的美国,如果邻居们风传一家男人任由老婆篡自己的权,这个男人没准会以诽谤罪被起诉。

4.So while they gossiped and complained , I learnt, got noticed, got promoted and eventually started my own company .因此,尽管他们会有闲话和怨言,但我从中学到了知识,受到了重视,得到提升,最后创办了自己的公司。

5.Somebody gossiped that she grabbed at the opportunity of becoming famous.一些人流言蜚语说她抓住了成名的机会。

6.They satirized her plastic surgeries and gossiped about her whereabouts.他们讽刺她做过整形手术,又不断人肉她的所在位置。

7.One Sunday afternoon in the Corleone kitchen, Sonny's wife Sandra gossiped freely.一个星期天的下午,在科利昂厨房里,桑尼的妻子桑德拉随意地闲聊。

8.Secretaries gossiped about how handsome he was.关于他是如何英俊的传言非常多。

9.When asked why they gossiped, it appeared that men had more to gain than women.至于讲是非的原因,显然男人比女人“获得”较多。

10.And when we would get together, we often gossiped about people we knew; our wives did the same.那时我和他常在一起,闲聊彼此知道的人和事;我俩的妻子也是如此。