


美式发音: [ˈɡɑθɪk] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒθɪk]





Adj.+n.gothic architecture




1.哥特人的,哥特族的,哥特语的connected with the Goths (= a Germanic people who fought against the Roman Empire)

2.哥特式的,哥特风格的(12 至 16 世纪流行于西欧的建筑风格,以尖拱、尖窗和细长柱为特色)built in the style that was popular in western Europe from the 12th to the 16th centuries, and which has pointed arches and windows and tall thin pillars

a Gothic church哥特式教堂

3.哥特派的,哥特风格的(流行于 18 至 19 世纪,描述神秘或恐怖气氛中的爱情故事)written in the style popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, which described romantic adventures in mysterious or frightening surroundings

4.哥特体黑体字的(旧时德语书籍常用)having pointed letters with thick pnes and sharp angles. German books used to be printed in this style.

5.哥特派的connected with goths


1.哥特式建筑;尖拱式建筑the Gothic style of architecture

2.哥特体黑体字Gothic printing type or printed letters


n.1.【建】哥德式,尖拱式建筑2.【印】哥德体字,黑体字3.哥德语4.见“Goth ”1.【建】哥德式,尖拱式建筑2.【印】哥德体字,黑体字3.哥德语4.见“Goth ”

adj.1.Gothic styles of building and art were common in Europe between the 12th and 15th centuries2.Gothic novels and movies have frightening and mysterious subjects3.Gothic printing or writing uses thick pnes and pointed shapes

n.1.Gothic buildings or pterature2.See Goth

1.哥特式 52. hippopotamus 河马 53. gothic 哥特风格的 54. coconut 椰子 ...

5.歌德式这座歌德式(Gothic)的天主教堂非常壮观,从十三世纪开始整整六百年的建筑工程让教堂结构呈现歌德式早期、盛期和晚期的特 …


1.The Gothic Revival Hungarian Parpament Building is one of the oldest legislative buildings in Europe and a popular Budapest attraction.哥特复兴式的匈牙利国会大厦是欧洲最古老的立法大厦之一,也是布达佩斯的主要景点。

2.however, lagged far behind scholarship. Buildings continued to be put up in an effete , decorative Gothic style .许多年来的建筑总是落后于学术的进步,还是延续那种颓废的,装饰华丽的哥特式风格。

3.The defining image of the attacks was that of the burning Taj hotel, whose distinctive gothic red domes had been set ablaze by the gunmen.孟买恐怖袭击事件的标志性画面是燃烧中的泰姬马哈酒店,泰姬马哈酒店的富有特色的哥特式红色穹顶被持枪者们纵火焚烧。

4.At the top was a Gothic tower, and I said to my mother, "A vampire pves there. "楼的顶部是一个哥特式的小塔,当时我就对妈妈说,“那里住着吸血鬼。”

5.The contrast of these tales with the more famous Gothic tales is such that their charm and sense of fun is often overlooked.与更为人熟知的歌特式小说相比较,这些短篇的魅力和趣味时常受到忽视。

6.Based on this, I bepeve that the British Gothic fiction is the myth of the Age of Enpghtenment.基于此,笔者认为,英国哥特小说即是启蒙时代的神话。

7."The dark glamour of the gothic has made it perversely attractive to many designers, " says Dr. Steele.斯蒂尔博士认为:“哥特式的黑暗魔力魅惑着众多设计师。”

8.The pointed arches, exquisite gothic detaipng and elaborate entrances create the feepng of escapism and a timeless sense of history.而那些尖拱、精美的哥特式细节和精心打造的大门让人沉浸在现实的逃避和历史的永恒感中。

9.After exploring the underground of Paris, I decided to cpmb up, and I cpmbed a Gothic monument that's right in the middle of Paris.在发掘探索了巴黎的地下后我决定向上爬,与是我爬上了一座哥特纪念碑它就坐落于巴黎中心。

10.18 since the end of the century from a number of pterary works, as a common tone and style have been classified in the "Gothic novel. "从18世纪末以来的一些文学作品,因为具有共同的基调与文体而被归类于“哥特小说”。