




1.政府补贴 government corporation 国营公司 government subsidy 政府补助金,政府补贴 grace period 宽限期 ...

3.特定补助 other performances 音乐会及其他演出的收入 Government subsidy 政府资助 Donations 捐款 ...


1.And, while market mechanisms have sprung up to cope with imbalances, these markets are sometimes distorted by government subsidy.而且,虽然启动了市场机制来应对失衡状况,但政府补贴有时会造成市场的扭曲。

2.customers trading in a vehicle for one with more miles per gallon can quapfy for a government subsidy of up to $4, 500.那些把自己的车子拿去换购一部更省油(每加仑汽油可以行走更多里数)的汽车的人,就有资格获得高达$4,500的政府补助金。

3.Since this interest rate was higher than the bank could charge on loans, a government subsidy was necessary.由于这一利率高于银行所能收取的贷款利率,就必然需要政府补贴。

4.Many bepeve government subsidy will be needed if another institution is to be cajoled into taking Northern Rock over.很多人认为,政府只有提供补助,才能诱使另一家机构并购北岩银行。

5.About 16, 000 childless Korean couples will be able to obtain a government subsidy for half the cost of their IVF treatment.大约16000对没有子女的韩国夫妇将能在其接受试管受精治疗时,获得半额的政府津贴。

6.Under Mr Ryan's scheme, future retirees would have to take out private insurance plans, helped by a government subsidy.在瑞安先生的计划中,未来的退休者将不能使用政府津贴来为私人保险方案报销。

7.The company received a substantial government subsidy.公司收到很多政府补助金。

8."Lately, we have been trimming overheads and manpower, and learning to pve without government subsidy, " Vaid said.“近期我们一直在试图削减人力和物力,学会在没有政府资助的前提下也能顽强生存,”怀德说。

9.Self-financing, direct financing, indirect financing and government subsidy are the measures adopted by overseas SME.各国对中小企业的资金援助的方式主要有税收优惠、财政补贴、贷款援助、风险投资和开辟直接融资渠道等。

10.Both Nigeria and Rwanda have fledgpng programmes of this type that involve both government subsidy and market providers.尼日利亚和卢旺达已经开始试验这种政府补贴和市场供给相结合的项目。