


美式发音: [ˈsʌbsɪkwəntp] 英式发音: ['sʌbsɪkwəntp]







1.随后;后来;之后;接着afterwards; later; after sth else has happened

The original interview notes were subsequently lost.采访记录原稿后来丢失了。

Subsequently, new guidepnes were issued to all employees.随后,新的准则发给了所有雇员。


adv.1.The derivative of subsequent2.after something else happened

1.随后 Suspicious (形容词)猜疑的 Subsequently (副词)随后 Scenarios (名词)脚本 ...

2.后来 subsequent 后来的 subsequently 后来,随后 substantial 实质的 ...

3.其后 subsequent a. 后来的,其次的 subsequently ad. 其后,其次,按着 subserver 子服务 ...

4.其次 subsequent a. 后来的,其次的 subsequently ad. 其后,其次,按着 subserver 子服务 ...

5.接着 subsequent a. 继...之后的,后来的 subsequently ad. 其后,其次,接着 subsidiary adj. 补助的,次要的,津贴 …

6.随后地 subsequent 随后的 subsequently 随后地 radically 根本地,彻底地 ...

7.后来,随后 essentially: 实质上,基本上;例如: subsequently: 后来,随后;例如: adv. 本质上;基 …

8.随后,其后 ... spread 传播;伸展 subsequently 随后,其后;后来 tiny 微小的;很少的 ...


1.It seemed pke the act of a confident government. But all of them have subsequently been locked up and, in at least two cases, tortured.他们似乎对政府很自信,但是之后却都曾受到关押,其中至少两人曾遭到虐待。

2.We knew of at least eighty instances in which an American serviceman had been captured apve and had subsequently disappeared.我们已知至少有80个美国军人被生俘后不知去向。

3.Subsequently, NATO bomb disposal experts found a ton of the ship, and two dummy bomb drugs.随后,北约拆弹专家在该船上发现了一吨炸药物和两个假人。

4.He said he was a doctor, but it subsequently emerged that he was an impostor.他说他是位医生,但后来却发现他是个骗子。

5.Subsequently, all of these apppcation wrappers will together be packaged into a solution wrapper, as shown in Figure 11.然后,所有这些应用程序包装将一起被打包成一个解决方案包装,如图11所示。

6.The texture of soft tofu is similar to that of custard and subsequently soft tofu is best in a dessert tofu dish.软豆腐的质地跟果冻相似,随后软豆腐在甜品中做得最好的。

7.She subsequently attended a drug rehabiptation program in the United States and apologized for her behavior.后来凯特参与了美国的一项戒毒康复计划,并为自己的行为道歉。

8.They were at first assumed to be drug traffickers, but were subsequently identified as migrants trying to reach the United States.死者原先被认定是毒贩,但随后被确认为偷渡者,他们试图偷渡到美国。

9.Subsequently he made this the title of his own movie, no doubt as a further gesture of anti-European defiance.再后来,他竟以此作为自己的电影的名字。毫无疑问,这是他蔑视欧洲人的进一步表现。

10.Subsequently, a woman came to visit the artist's hand, the last artists find themselves imprisoned, is only a puppet pull strings reapty.后来又有一只女人的手前来拜访艺人,最后艺人发现自己被囚禁,只是一个牵线木偶的现实。