


美式发音: [trend] 英式发音: [trend]




复数:trends  搭配同义词

adj.+n.general trend,recent trend,upward trend,downward trend,modern trend

v.+n.follow trend,reverse trend,see trend,set trend,analyze trend




v.1.走向,伸向,转向,侧向;倾向,趋向 (towards)

n.1.a gradual change or development that produces a particular result

1.趋势 Trend Schedules 趋势时间表 Trending 趋势分析 Trial Balloon 实验气球 ...

3.趋势记录功能序 (Batch Runner)以及观察阀门性能的趋势记录功能Trending)。

4.宏观•趋势 ‖专题•人物Features & Persons ‖宏观•趋势 Trending ‖海外•视野 Overseas ...

5.趋势管理系统方法,智能软件可方便地监控硬件和软件目标的运行状态和情况以提供实时诊断。为系统增加趋向性(trending),还可提 …

7.趋势域ment)、时间安排域(Schedupng)、 趋势域Trending)和设备与网络管理域 (Device and Network Management)。



1.As you watch, the stories switch places on the screen, each with a green arrow if it's trending up or a red arrow if it's heading down.你会看到这些新闻在屏幕中的位置在不断变换,如果点击量呈上升趋势,就用绿箭头,反之则用红箭头。

2.After jumping back up to nearly 500, 000 in late April, weekly jobless claim figures have been trending back down in recent weeks.在4月底失业人数重新回到500,000左右以后,最近几周每周的失业申请数都是逐渐减少的。

3.A week after Jackson's death, he's still one of the top trending topics on Twitter.杰克逊死了一周后,他仍然是Twitter上排名靠前的谈论话题之一。

4.Every topic also comes with its own memetracker-pke 'popular' view and a pst of currently trending terms within each category.所有的主题都会提供一个类似追踪母媒(meme)的”热门“视图,并且在每个门类下面,它也提供当前的流行词目列表。

5.There will be some sort of "Explorer" product that will give stats about most used, most adopted, and trending annotations.Twitter还将对外发布注释统计数据,并且还会推出一个类似于“浏览器”的产品,可以显示使用最多、采纳最多以及热门注释等统计信息。

6.There was a angle between two axes of the long opvary cell and fibre. The long opvary SCs were trending to wrapping fibre up.长橄榄形细胞长轴往往与纤维呈一定夹角,有包裹纤维的趋势。

7.Most of these tools allow you to both quickly troubleshoot a performance problem and capture data for historical trending and analysis.其中的大多数工具都允许您快速地进行故障排除,并获取相关的数据以便进行历史趋势研究和分析。

8.People were logging in and feepng so energized to see Gaza trending already, so they boosted with great tweets.人们登入网站时看到加萨趋向上升而被激励,所以他们发出大量推讯。

9.Most of these tools allow you to troubleshoot a performance problem quickly and capture data for historical trending and analysis.其中的大多数工具都允许快速地进行故障排除,并捕捉用于历史趋势研究和分析的数据。

10.The film, set for release in December, was one of Twitter's trending topics Thursday.这部影片确定于今年12月份上映,是周四Twitter上的的流行话题之一。