


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪdiənt] 英式发音: ['ɡreɪdiənt]




复数:gradients  同义词




1.(尤指公路或铁路的)坡度,斜率,倾斜度the degree to which the ground slopes, especially on a road or railway

a steep gradient陡峭的坡度

a hill with a gradient of 1 in 4 (or 25%)倾斜度为 1:4 (或 25%)的小山

2.(温度、压力等的)变化率,梯度变化曲线the rate at which temperature, pressure, etc. changes, or increases and decreases, between one region and another



n.1.a measure of how steep a road is2.the rate of change of something such as temperature or pressure

1.梯度 1、Swatches( 色板)调板 2、Gradient渐变)调板 3、Color( 颜色)调板 ...

3.坡度 转弯 corner 坡度 gradient 路拱 camber ...

4.渐变色 governor 调速器 gradient 斜率 Graham's law 格雷姆定律 ...

6.渐层 Gouraud 彩现 Gradient 百分度 渐层 Grads 百分度 分度 ...

7.倾斜度 geometry n. 几何 gradient n. 倾斜度,梯度 graph n. 图形 ...

8.倾斜的 GMS 镀锌钢板 gradient 倾斜的 granite 花岗岩 ...


1.Careful selection of step-size parameters is often necessary to obtain good performance from adaptive natural gradient algorithm.对于自适应自然梯度算法,选择步长参数以达到好的分离性能是非常必要的。

2.The DWA, then, is a tube with an inner wall made of the high-gradient insulator and a series of sipcon carbide switches along its length.DWA正是由高沿面绝缘体制成的内壁及连续分布在其周围的金刚砂开关所构成的一个加速腔。

3.Improved gradient method and enhanced least squares method have been used in different stage of model development.整个过程分别采用改进的梯度法、带有遗忘因子的最小二乘法等算法进行设计。

4.When there's a smaller gradient, air is often able to flow down from the Arctic.而当它们之间只有一个较小的气压梯度时,风就能够经常从北极区向南吹。

5.OK, so if I go in that direction, which gives me the fastest increase, then the corresponding slope will be the length of the gradient.也就是说,如果朝该方向运动,函数值变动得最剧烈,那么相应的斜率就是梯度向量的模长。

6.When slope gradient and soil surface hydrological condition had not change, runoff increased with increasing of rainfall intensity.同一坡度和近地表水文条件下,平均侵蚀率是随雨强的增大而增加。

7.Test results of Qiantang River silt in Hangzhou show that the critical hydraupc gradient of the silt differs from that of sandy soil.对杭州钱塘江粉土的实验结果表明,粉土的临界水力比降与一般砂土有差异。

8.One is to say that the vector field is a gradient in a certain region of a plane.一个是向量场,在给定平面区域内是梯度场。

9.If you fail this test then you know for sure that you are not gradient field so you might as well do that.如果通不过检验,那么可以肯定,它不是梯度场,你可能也会那样做。

10.Well, that means the gradient is actually perpendicular to the tangent plane or to the surface at this point.那意味着,梯度向量在这点上,垂直于切平面或者是等值面。