



1.Frenzied Regeneration: This abipty is no longer noted as Rank 1 (it has no subsequent ranks).狂暴回复:这个技能不再标记为等级1(它没有更高的技能等级了)。

2.where the number of commas is the rank - 1 , and the lower bounds and size of each dimension , if known , are represented in decimal.其中逗号数为秩-1,每一维的下限和大小(如果已知)用十进制表示。

3.Great to see a media company that rose from the startup world, Topix. net, rank number 1 in consistency.很高兴看到Topix网址被屏蔽这家初创公司脱颖而出,在一致性方面排名第一。

4.eg: The Rank 1 player of the contest can pick one of the following phoenix icon as one of his character Icon.比赛第1名的玩家,可以选择以下其中一个凤凰图像,作为他其中一个角色的图像。

5.The hero's Faction abipty is increased by 1 Rand and combat starts with racial gauge filled up to first Rank.英雄的种族能力等级增加一级,并且在战斗开始充能条自动满一环。

6.Mage : Arcane Explosion Rank 1 now takes all Rogues out of stealth within the same zone .敏锐大师:这个天赋的伤害加成在盗贼失去潜行状态后将解除。

7.Gilded mummy mask of a person of high rank. A spell from the Book of the Dead is inscribed on the headband, 1st century BC.镀金的木乃伊面具,属于上层阶级的某位大人物。死亡之书上的咒语被镌刻在面具的头巾上,来自公元前1世纪

8.The editors did not rank the top 10 although Rapoport said many people would argue Sean Connery should be No. 1.据拉波波特介绍,编辑并没有对10位入选男性进行排名,但很多人会认为肖恩•康纳利应排在首位。

9.Though persimmons are popular in Shaanxi, the Fire-crystal Persimmons-the local produce in Lintong, rank NO. 1 in quapty.陕西柿子树的栽培十分广泛,但火晶柿子品质最佳,是临潼特有的柿子品种。

10.Disengage now leaps the Hunter backwards up to 13 yards. 30 second cooldown. Disengage now also only has one rank (rank 1).逃脱现在使猎人向后跳最多13码,30冷却。逃脱现在只有一个等级。