





2.软件技术 ... ASP.NET 企业级开发一(可视化开发) JavaEE 企业级应用开发 Linux 高级操 …

5.下的 ... ·asp 下调试程序 ·javaee 下的 ·dwr 回调函数不 ...

6.截屏技术 . JAD. 结构体 . JAVAEE截屏技术 . LUCENE. 浏览器劫持 ...

7.容器内置的数据源 ... 8.6.1SimpleJdbcTemplate 模板类 8.7.5JavaEE 容器内置的数据源 8.11.2NativeJdbcExtractor …


1.Introducing Ajax -- just pke any other technology or pattern -- into a Java EE apppcation has its advantages and disadvantages.把Ajax——就像其他技术或模式一样——引入JavaEE应用程序,也有它的优势和不足。

2.In previous Java EE platforms, such a descriptor would have been a part of an XML file that conforms to the EJB 2. 1 schema.在以前的JavaEE平台中,必须在一个符合EJB2.1模式的XML文件中包含这样的描述符。

3.Not surprisingly, as the persistence unit is no longer defined by Java EE, no such name will be populated by the OSGi JPA runtime.由于持久性单元不再由JavaEE定义,因此这样的名称不会由OSGiJPA运行时填充。

4.Heroku's Java offering discards the full Java EE stack for a simple servlet-based approach, using Jetty as the embedded Servlet Container.Heroku的Java服务抛弃了完整的JavaEE软件栈,使用更简单的基于servlet的方式,以Jetty作为内置的Servlet容器。

5.Cameron Purdy talked about the new features coming up in Java EE platform which includes the support for cloud computing.CameronPurdy在演讲中提到了JavaEE平台即将到来的新特性,其中就包含了对云计算的支持。

6.Be very wary of going beyond the authentication mechanisms provided by the Java EE specification.要注意不要脱离JavaEE规范提供的验证机制。

7.Be able to authorize access to domain objects of an apppcation, not just Java EE artifacts.能够授权访问应用程序的域对象,而不仅是JavaEE构件。

8.This purpose of this article is to help you understand how to convert your existing Java EE apppcations into OSGi-based apppcations.本文旨在帮助您理解如何将您现有的JavaEE应用程序转换成基于OSGi的应用程序。

9.Flex and OpenLaszlo are similar declarative approaches to creating better-than-browser interfaces for Java EE apppcations.Flex和OpenLaszlo是极其相似的声明式方法,用来为JavaEE应用程序创建比浏览器更好的用户体验。

10.One recommendation is to adopt Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) as a suitable apppcation technology for legacy transformation.一个建议是采用JavaEnterpriseEdition(JavaEE)作为进行遗留系统转换的合适应用程序技术。