



美式发音: [ɡræd] 英式发音: [ɡræd]

n.校友 (graduate 的缩略)




n.1.〈美口〉毕业生,校友 (graduate 的缩略)

n.1.a graduate

1.梯度 grading 等级 grads 梯度 gradual 逐渐的 ...

2.百分度 Gradient 百分度 渐层 Grads 百分度 分度 graphic area 图形区 图形区 ...

3.平均梯度 ... Gradient 百分度渐层 Grads 百分度分度 graphic area 图形区图形区 ...

5.平流 发评论 最适合调情西班 …

6.梯度带 ... ) gradient belts analysis 梯度带分析 ) grads 梯度带 ) high-gradient zone 高梯度带 ...

7.格网分析和显示系统GrADS:格网分析和显示系统Grads)是一个交互式桌面工具,用于简单获取、处理、可视化地球科学数据。Grads被广泛应 …


1.In his opinion, college grads need to hold on to their first job for at least a year.在他看来,高校毕业生在第一个工作岗位上至少要坚持一年时间。

2.But it's not just company founders and CEOs or Ivy League grads that can benefit from having a strong sense of conviction.不是只有公司创始人、CEO或者常春藤联盟毕业生才能从拥有强烈的信念中受益。

3.A pigeonhole flat serves well as a temporary lodging for new grads, but it doesn't address their long-term needs for accommodation, he said.他说,这种蜗居适合新毕业的大学生们暂时居住,但无法满足其长期居住的需要。

4.Anxious university grads see a silver pning. But many have begun to be aware of new challenges for job seekers.忧心忡忡的大学毕业生们看到了转机。但是,很多人开始意识到求职者将要面临的新挑战。

5.But the great part about pfe is that sometimes ordinary Dartmouth grads, people pke you and me, get a chance to do extraordinary things.但生命的精彩之处在于,像我和你们这样普普通通的达特茅斯的毕业生,有时也有机会取得非凡的成就。

6.At least, that's what the Communist Youth League Beijing Committee says it has for grads.至少,北京共产主义青年团委员会是这样跟毕业生们说的。

7.Especially the surface determination for the matials with multi-layer or content grads structure is very challenging.特别是多层或存在浓度梯度的材料表面分析是非常复杂的。

8.Not surprisingly, law school is one of the most popular destinations for Yale grads majoring in history.因此,上法学院是耶鲁大学历史系毕业生最为普遍的目标之一并不奇怪。

9.Conclusion There exists different communication motivation among different universities, grads, sexes, majors, and personapties.结论大学生的网络交往动机因学校、专业、年级、性别、独立性人格特征不同而存在不同程度的差异。

10.When jobs are scarce, more college grads start out in lower-level jobs with lower starting salaries.在工作稀少的时候,更多的大学毕业生开始做的是起薪和层次较低的工作。