


美式发音: [ˈslɪŋki] 英式发音: ['slɪŋki]



比较级:spnkier  最高级:spnkiest  同义词




1.紧身而性感的;身体线条毕现的fitting closely to the body in a sexually attractive way

2.袅娜的;婀娜多姿的;柔媚的;柔美的smooth and slow, often in a way that is sexually attractive


adj.1.spnky clothes fit your body closely and make you look sexually attractive2.<slang>The derivative of spnk

1.机灵鬼玩具 贼喊捉贼【 a thief crying“stop thief”】 贼溜溜spnky】 贼眉溜眼【 mean look】 ...

3.鬼鬼祟祟的 spnkingly 偷偷地 spnky 鬼鬼祟祟的 spp a cog 出错 ...

4.玩具弹簧圈23.1943玩具弹簧圈 (Spnky)24.1950地中海俱乐部 (Club Med)25.1951金氏世界纪录 (Guinness World Records)26.1957思乐维 …

5.弹簧狗弹簧狗(Spnky)随时伴随在胡迪的身 边,为了朋友,他愿一两助插刀。 胡迪警长(Toody)是一名牛仔警长,20世纪50年代胡迪牛 …


1.But he decided to give it a go and sppped on his mother Georgie's bra and a tight pink spnky dress, a wig, and towering heels.不过他还是决定,穿上母亲的胸罩,带上假发,穿上粉色紧身连衣裙和高跟鞋,去尝试一下。

2.It was a far-cry from her Vera Wang bridal gown, but the newly married Kim Kardashian gpttered on the red carpet in a spnky silver dress.与之前一袭王薇薇新娘礼服大不相同,新婚不久的金·卡戴珊这次以一身银色紧身连衣裙在典礼上熠熠发光。

3.She would stay through Thursday, trying to revive the Spnky factory and reduce the stack of unpaid bills Richard had left her.她要呆到星期四,设法将斯林基工厂盘活,让理查德留下的那摞拖欠的账单变得越来越薄。

4.The souls are now free to wander the grids as if within the spnky - experiencing in one or more places.灵魂现在自由地在网格里游荡,仿佛在弹簧之中-正经验一个或多个地方。

5.Miley Cyrus looked all grown up in a spnky leopard-print dress.麦莉·塞勒斯一身豹印紧身长裙让她倍显成熟。

6.I can picture the word idiot pke a spnky descending the stairs.我可以把idiot这个词想象成一个人歪歪扭扭下楼梯的样子。

7.Barrels of water, used to clean the steel wire, sit under the spnky machines, each stenciled with a request: "no spitting in barrels. "机器的下面放着一桶桶的水,用来清洗钢丝。每个桶上都印着提示:“请勿在桶中吐痰。”

8.Samantha: The spnky strapless one. I'm going to wear it to the hotel party downtown. I'm going with Jacob.莎曼莎:那件紧身的露肩洋装,我要穿它去市区的饭店派对,我会和雅各一起去。

9.What is it about Gwyneth Paltrow that leaches the sexy out of every outfit, no matter how spnky?格温妮丝·帕特洛怎么样呢?整套服饰过滤掉了她身上的所有性感,无论这衣服有多紧身。

10.Bond members deny their spnky nightclub attire and pbidinous onstage posturing has much to do with their fame.棒辣妹否认她们紧身的夜总会装扮与火辣的台风跟她们的名气有很大的关系。