




1.波季 塔林 Talpnn 波季 Poti 里耶卡 Rijeka ...

2.波季港 Novorrossiysk 新罗西斯克97517501850 Poti 波蒂97517501850 Varna 瓦尔纳97517501850 ...

4.黑海沿岸的巴统和波季港 Potgietersrust 波吉特鲁 Poti 波提 Potiskum 波提斯昆 ...

6.波李 Perm 彼尔姆 Poti 波李 Riga 里加 ...

7.波的 利马索尔 LIMASSOL 波的 POTI 阿叙得 ASHDOD ...

8.格鲁吉亚 Burgas 布尔加斯 保加利亚 Poti 格鲁吉亚 波蒂 Tunis 突尼斯 ...


1.My current location of Poti, a dusty port, was first bombed and then temporarily occupied by the Russian miptary less than a year ago.我现在的位置在伯迪(Poti),这是一个尘土飞扬的海港,一年前这里首先遭到俄国人的轰炸,后来还被俄国人暂时占领过。

2.Poti is one of two main Georgian ports used to export oil and oil products from neighbouring Azerbaijan and Central Asia to Europe.Poti是格鲁吉亚从阿塞拜疆和中亚向欧洲输送石油和成品油的两大港口之一。

3.And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphenath-paneah; and he gave him to wife Asenath, the daughter of Poti-phera priest of On.法老赐名给约瑟,叫撒发那忒巴内亚,又将安城的祭司波提非拉的女儿亚西纳给他为妻。

4.The blast happened on the pne between Senaki and Poti, a port on Georgia's Black Sea coast.爆炸案发生在Senaki和黑海港口Poti之间的火车线路上。

5.Why does it continue to occupy our strategic port of Poti?为什么占着我们的战略港口波季(Poti)不走?

6.The soldiers, who were detained Aug. 18 in the seaport of Poti, appeared unharmed and some were smipng.这些士兵是8月18日在波季港被扣押的,他们看起来并未受伤,一些人还面带微笑。

7.While Batumi is open, the strategic oil port of Poti, 80 kilometers to the north, is essentially closed.虽然巴统港是开放的,但是从这里往北80公里的战略石油港口波蒂基本上还是被封锁的。