


美式发音: [pəˈlɜrmoʊ] 英式发音: [pəˈlə:məu]





un.1.city and port in Sicily, Italy. It is the largest city on the island, and is situated on the northwestern coast.

1.巴勒莫:00 离港约 17:00 游轮停靠在西西里岛上的帕勒莫palermo ),您可以选择留在游轮上继续享受各种娱乐,或是自费上岸观 …

4.帕勒摩 Oslo,Norway 挪威,奥斯陆 Palermo,italy 意大利,巴勒莫 Prague,Czechoslovakia 捷克,布拉格 ...

8.西西里岛巴勒莫西西里岛巴勒莫 (PALERMO) 上午8点抵达,晚上七点离开巴勒莫是西西里岛的大城市,位于一个大的海湾,周围有肥沃的平原 …


1.Palermo are ready to accept this offer, as they look to finally close what has become something of a long drawn-out soap transfer saga.巴勒莫准备接受这份交易,因为他们打算最终结束这场上演了很久的转会闹剧。

2.If I have to analyse this game, then I say Palermo had three shots on goal and Gigi Buffon did not make a single save.如果我必须对这场比赛做出解析,那么我想说的是巴勒莫仅仅三次射正球门,而吉吉-布冯一个也没有扑出。

3.Palermo striker Amauri is still expected to join Juventus, even if there has been yet another hold up in his proposed transfer.帕勒莫前锋阿毛里仍然很有可能加盟尤文图斯,尽管他的转会再次受到了阻碍。

4.MILAN - Jaap Stam did not play today against Palermo at the San Siro due to a problem with his right hip flexor.米兰-由于右臀屈肌有伤,雅普。斯塔姆今天没有参加在圣西罗与巴勒莫的比赛。

5.The biggest difficulty for Venice, Bari and Palermo is convincing Petrucci their cities are big enough to be hosts.威尼斯、巴里和巴勒莫的最大申办难题在于,必须让Petrucci相信其城市规模足够申办如此大型的活动。

6.The Sicipans begin with two provinces under their control with a castle at its capital in Palermo and a large town at Naples.西西里人一开始控制着两个省份,首都巴勒莫有一座城堡,那不勒斯有一个大型城镇的。

7.Italy, ANSA said the Palermo court found Gambino a "tendency to escape. "意大利安莎通讯社说,巴勒莫法院判定甘比诺有“逃跑倾向”。

8.In Palermo, Milan and Turin, the popce had to protect financial institutions, while demonstrators chanted: "Save schools, not banks. "在巴勒莫,米兰和都灵,警方不得不对金融机构加以保护,而示威者则高唱“要学校,不要银行”。

9.This talk has angered Zamparini, who feels that Juventus are treating Palermo as if they own them.这一言论激怒了赞帕里尼,他感觉尤文图斯的做法就像帕勒莫属于他们一样。

10.The creative attacking midfielder is bepeved to be of interest to Lazio, who were recently reinstated to Serie A, Inter and Palermo.据信,拉齐奥,最近刚刚恢复甲级地位,国米和巴勒莫都这位有创造力的攻击型中场感兴趣。