



美式发音: [ɡrænt] 英式发音: [ɡrɑːnt]




第三人称单数:grants  现在分词:granting  过去式:granted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.grant permission,grant request,grant wish,grant interview,get grant

adj.+n.large grant,substantial grant



v.allow,permit,agree to,concede,give



n.1.许可;答应;承认2.格兰特3.授给物,转让权;补助金4.授与,让渡;转让证书5.Ulysses Simpson Grant 尤利塞斯辛普森格兰特6.【男名】男子名1.许可;答应;承认2.格兰特3.授给物,转让权;补助金4.授与,让渡;转让证书5.Ulysses Simpson Grant 尤利塞斯辛普森格兰特6.【男名】男子名

v.1.to allow someone to have or do what they want2.to admit that something is true

n.1.an amount of money that the government or an organization gives you for a specific purpose and does not ask you to pay back. Money that you have to pay back is called a loan

1.假定 ... Considering 考虑到……鉴于.; 就…..而论 Granting 假定; 姑且认为 41. catch sb doing 撞见……正在干…

2.授予 Unrest 不安 Granting 批准 Landfill disposal 垃圾掩埋场 ...

5.承认效…)或者其它顾客的抱怨以及使用者的信息。 证书的承认(Granting):由认证机构颁布的在确定的时期内、确定的范围予以 …

6.授与 ... stir up v. 激起, 鼓动, 煽动 granting vt. 授与(权利); 让与(财产) kidnap vt. 诱拐(小孩), 绑架, 勒赎 ...

7.同意 ... grantee 受让人 granting 同意 granting reference 许可参考 ...

8.姑且认为 ... Considering 考虑到……鉴于.; 就…..而论 Granting 假定; 姑且认为 41. catch sb doing 撞见……正在干…


1.At issue was the question of granting patents for incremental developments.在解决的问题是授予专利的增量发展。

2.So far no driving school has appped to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue for the granting of the status of an education provider.不过,至今还没有驾驶学院向税务局局长申请成为获批准机构。

3.Granting database access, authorities, and privileges to users and groups is one of the primary means of ensuring the security of your data.为用户和组授予数据库访问、权限和特权是保证数据安全的主要方法之一。

4."By granting a title to his only sister, Kim Jong-il is trying to signal that he is prioritising the army, " Mr Choi said.“通过向他唯一的姊妹授衔,金正日是在试图表明,他把军队放在优先考虑的位置。”

5.At least 300, 000 Cubans have come to the United States since 1994, when an accord was signed granting 20, 000 American visas a year.1994年,自从有协议规定每年只给古巴人办理两万张美国签证,至今,一共有超过30万人从古巴来到了美国。

6.Foreign banks began to leave Nigeria after miptary rulers introduced a law in 1976 granting the state 60 per cent ownership.在军人统治者于1976年出台了一项法律,赋予政府60%的所有权之后,外国银行开始纷纷离开该国。

7.They all saw how granting his wish had brought joy and hope to him in his time of need.他们都看到了在克里斯托弗最需要的时候满足他的愿望是如何给他带来欢乐和希望的。

8.Der Spiegel magazine said the EU could time such a pledge to coincide with granting aid to Portugal.德国《明镜周刊》表示,欧盟委员会将择机做出承诺,向葡萄牙提供经济援助。

9.The granting by the Company of any loans or guaranties for an Employee or for the Employee's family members.公司为员工个人或家庭成员提供的任何贷款或担保。

10.It was not a question of granting new rights to broadcasting organizations, but just to keep track of technological innovations.问题不是向广播组织授予新的权利,而仅仅是为了跟上技术创新。