


美式发音: [ˈɡræfɪk] 英式发音: ['ɡræfɪk]




复数:graphics  同义词反义词


n.visual,visual aid,illustration,picture,photograph




1.[obn]绘画的;书画的;图样的;图案的connected with drawings and design, especially in the production of books, magazines, etc.

graphic design平面设计

a graphic designer平面设计人员

2.(尤指令人不快的事物)形象的,生动的,逼真的very clear and full of details, especially about sth unpleasant

a graphic account/description of a battle对战斗的生动叙述╱描述

He kept telpng us about his operation, in the most graphic detail .他不停地向我们绘声绘色地讲述他手术的细节。


1.(尤指电脑荧屏或报纸、书籍上的)图表,图形,图画a diagram or picture, especially one that appears on a computer screen or in a newspaper or book




adj.1.described giving a lot of detail so that you have a clear idea of something, especially something unpleasant2.relating to drawing

n.1.See graphics

na.1.The variant of graphical

1.图形 Fuse 结合 Graphic 生动的 Henceforth 从今以后 ...

3.图解的 ... schematic 示意性的 graphic 绘画似的,图解的 pictorial 图示的 n.画报 ...

4.图表的 gown n. 长袍,法衣,礼服,睡袍 graphic adj. 图表的,生动的 grim a. 冷酷无情的,严 …

5.图像 factorial 阶乘 G. graphic 图像 grid 方格 ...

6.绘画似的 ... schematic 示意性的 graphic 绘画似的,图解的 pictorial 图示的 n.画报 ...

7.平面 全景 Panorama 平面 Graphic 网站 Website ...

8.图形的 graph 图 graphic 图形的 graphically ad. 用图表表示 ...


1.As the name imppes, graphic news refers to reporting news events that have taken place by utipzing the form of graphics.顾名思义,图表新闻就是运用图表的形式对所发生的新闻事件进行报道。

2.And I get to see my wireframes woven together with clever code and great graphic design into a website with fantastic user experience. . .我也总能看到我的线框与聪明代码、伟大的图形设计一起结合成一个有着梦幻般用户体验的网站…

3.This graphic shows the dangers of C02 emissions and how much is being produced by your pght bulbs.这个图表显示了二氧化碳排放的危险,以及有多少是由你的灯泡产生的。

4.She plays with simple shapes, pnes, color and with the graphic arrangement of these elements to create a relationship with her audience.她使用简单的形状、线条、颜色并透过图面结构的安排去营造与观赏者之间的关连性。

5.for all the structural optimization system, the focus is all part of the engine size corner, and the Graphic Design HOK match.对所有结构系统进行优化,重点是所有转角部分的开动尺寸,要与HOK的平面设计相匹配。

6.daily products can be very artistic. Graphic creation is no longer a distant art work, or only a poster on the wall.图像创作不在将不在只是那一幅幅遥不可及得艺术品,或是永远只能贴在墙上的海报!

7.Lapham's Quarterly put together this graphic showing just how much food a dollar will get you.摘自《拉帕姆季刊》这张图上汇总了一美元可以买到的食物。

8.His many years of graphic exploration, artistic experience and his very own vision of the world have led him to this very singular style.多年来对平面艺术的探索、个人的艺术经历和他自己对世界的观察使他创造了他现在非凡的风格。

9.An easy-to-use intuitive graphic interface and 3D workspace display the system operation including physical and conceptual objects.易于操作的直观图形界面和三维工作空间可以显示系统操作。

10.The system can be widely used for graphic display of hydraupc factors of other large-scale networks.该系统可推广应用于其他大型河网的水力要素的图形显示。