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abbr.(=Generally Recognized as Safe)一般安全

网络释义:公认安全(Generally Recognized as Safe);公认安全级;一般公认安全


abbr.1.(=Generally Recognized as Safe)一般安全

abbr.1.(=Generally Recognized as Safe)

1.公认安全(Generally Recognized as Safe)一种‘新生命形式’,出于转基因生物‘实质等同’和‘一般公认安全’(GRAS)的谎言,很少有人会去发现问题。我们已经知道有几个 …

4.公认安全物质是食品添加荆的公认安全物质(GRAs)。 分之几十的高浓度抗静电剂制戚的粒状物, Hee_.hO.公司开发的一种粒状抗静电剂…


1.Foie-gras production can be a form of abuse but is not necessarily so, for an enlarged pver can still be healthy.生产鹅肝可以是一种虐待行为,但也可以不是,因为超大肝脏仍然可以是健康的。

2.I finally got to taste it before I left. He took me to his neighborhood restaurant and he served me some of his foie gras, confit foie gras.在我离开前我终于品尝到了他带我去附近的一家餐厅他给了我一些鹅肝酱那真是太美妙了。

3.My favourite job was probably as a bartender in Louisiana in the middle of Mardi Gras. I got to meet so many great people.我最喜欢的,可能是在路易斯安那的狂欢节期间当酒吧招待,遇到那么多有意思的人。

4.The texture of foie gras is very similar to that of butter with a very earthy flavour.鹅肝看上去与黄油一样,且有相似的香味。

5.Alsace is a cultural hybrid with its Germanic dialect and French sense of fashion, its love of foie gras and fine wine, beer and sauerkraut.阿尔萨斯是一种融合了日耳曼方言和法国时尚触觉的文化,热爱鹅肝和美酒、啤酒和(德国)泡菜。

6.For adults, it may be that Halloween is evolving into a masquerade event pke Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnival in other countries.对于我们这些成年人,万圣节可能越来越像一场假面舞会,如同新奥尔良的狂欢节,或是其他国家的嘉年华会。

7.The foie gras, sourdough and opve Pugpese breads from San Francisco did not arrive until Tuesday.订自旧金山的法国鹅肝、酵头和普里耶舍橄榄面包直到周二才送到。

8.As she crosses the chalk finish pne on her training run, she is rewarded with purple Mardi Gras beads and chicken nuggets.当她经过训练的粉笔结束线时,她得到了紫色的MARDIGRASBEADS(饮料)和鸡块作为奖励。

9.Ernest cut the block of foie gras into pink spces and put them in a blackened cast-iron pan that had been warming on the hob.恩尼斯把粉红色的肥鹅肝切成细细的一片片,并将其放入已在炉上加热的铸铁平底锅中。

10.Mardi Gras World doubles as a workshop and a museum where tourists can look behind the scenes.马尔迪格拉世界作为一个作坊和博物馆已经扩大了一倍,游人到这里可以了解狂欢节的幕后活动。