


美式发音: [ˈteɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈteɪkə(r)]



复数:takers  同义词




1.[usupl]接受者;收受人a person who is wilpng to accept sth that is being offered

They won't find many takers for the house at that price.以这样的要价,他们不会为房子找到多少承让人的。

2.接受者a person who takes sth

drug takers吸毒者

It is better to be a giver than a taker.施比受有福。


n.1.someone who accepts or wants something that is offered2.someone who takes something3.an insulting word for someone who wants a lot from other people but does not want to give anything to them

1.购买者 Straddle 套期图利 Taker 购买者 Trade House 贸易行:进行现货交易的公司 ...

2.接受者 takeover 兼并 taker 取者 taking bullet 取心弹 ...

4.取料机 cypnder 油缸 taker 取料机 conveyer belt 输送带 ...

5.吃药人 cheese-maker 制造乳酪的人 taker 吃药人 checker 检查人员 ...

6.接受者,收受者 ... take:v. 拿走 taker:n. 取者;接受者,收受者 tale:n. 故事;坏话 ...

7.征取者 ... Tactic 策士 Taker 征取者 Temperance 克己 ...

8.捕获者 n.取者,接受者 taker n.取者,接受者,捕获者 taker n.提取器,取者 taker ...


1.Risk-Taker: The children have the courage to try to use different materials and different ways of making a graphic work.敢于尝试的人:孩子们敢于尝试使用不同的材料以及不同的方式制作美工作品。

2.Darwin seems to have been able to think only with a pen in his hand. He was a compulsive note taker and pst maker.达尔文似乎只能够用他手中的笔思考,他总是禁不住要记笔记、列清单。

3.That's when he meets Kate Walker, a survey taker at Heathrow Airport who persuades Harvey to stay in London for the reception.这个时候他碰到了KATEWALKER,在HEATHROW机场当调查员,她劝说哈维留在伦敦参加婚礼仪式。

4.He said the hostage-taker was killed with a sniper shot to the head after he wounded a popce sharpshooter.他说,劫持人质者在打伤一名警方神枪手后被一名狙击兵射中脑门而击毙。

5.He said the hostage-taker had wanted to kill himself in the classroom.查特尔说,劫持者本想在教室里自杀。

6.Even if I was a regular drug taker, I knew the popce wanted to see me that day. I would not have risked having drugs with me.尽管我经常吸食毒品,但既然我已经知道那天警察要见我,我是绝不会冒险把毒品带在身上的。

7.My Olympic dreams were dashed. The popce asked me to sign their note-taker's account of the meeting, and we poptely said our goodbyes.我的奥运梦想吹了,警官要求我在他们谈话记录员记录的有关这场会见的描述上签了字,然后我们就礼貌的道别了。

8.We viewed him as a playmaker and a set-piece taker. He is someone you could hang your hat on - a general in midfield.我们认为他是一个充满了创造力的球员并且是一个任意球专家。他是中场指挥官。

9.Reports of the arms wielded by the hostage-taker varied, but Mr. Chatel said he carried two long knives.关于劫持者使用的凶器各方报道不一,但法国教育部长查特尔说他拿的是两把长刀。

10.The Yemeni state news agency says Mr Saleh has asked his cabinet to remain in place in a care-taker capacity.也门国家通讯社说,萨利赫已要求他的内阁设在临时首都适当的地方。