


美式发音: [ˈɡræspɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡrɑːspɪŋ]









1.一味攫取的;贪婪的;贪心的always trying to get money, possessions, power, etc. for yourself

a grasping landlord贪婪的地主



adj.1.only interested in getting as much money as possible

v.1.The present participle of grasp

1.贪婪的 grasp 抓握 grasping 贪婪的 grasping reflex 抓握反射 ...

2.抓的 stretchy:a. 伸长的,有弹性的,容易伸长的 grasping:a. 抓的,握的,贪婪的 remain:vi. 保持,逗留,剩余 ...

3.握的 stretchy:a. 伸长的,有弹性的,容易伸长的 grasping:a. 抓的,握的,贪婪的 remain:vi. 保持,逗留,剩余 ...

4.抓握 grasp 抓住;领会;掌握 grasping 贪心的,贪婪的 grassland 牧场;草地;草原 ...

6.夹住 ... Exceedingly eager for material gain;avaricious. 继承用法 grasping n.抓的,夹住 grasping 贪婪的 ...


1.And yet here he is. And here we are. And here you are, still grasping at straws trying to defend yourself. Douche bag.可是他现在在执教湖人。我们现在在这里,你们也在,还一直抓着稻草为自己辩护。愚蠢的家伙。

2.Grasping firmly a ball of string from the garden, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother's room.从花园中紧紧抓住一团线,格伦跑回房子,冲上楼进入母亲的房间。

3.They just have no where else to go and are grasping to the hope that they can at least make a few bucks onpne.他们只是没有别的地方可去,抓住至少他们还可以再网上赚点钱的希望。

4."I don't know if I ought to have come" , she said breathlessly , grasping Phyl's arm.“我不知道我该不该来”,她气喘喘地说,一把抓住菲儿的胳臂。(副词。

5.Monkey (animal), any of about 160 species of primates that have grasping hands, forward-facing eyes, and highly developed brains.猴(动物),任何的约160种灵长类动物有把握手中,未来面临的眼睛,和高度发达的大脑。

6.Harvey elbowed his way through and, grasping Lisa by the hand, pulled her away from David, and escorted her out of the room.哈维挤过人群,抓住利萨的手,把她从大卫那儿拉开,并护送她走出了房间。

7.I was on my back in a couple of inches of mud, grasping him with all my strength, one hand around his throat.我仰面朝上,身体压进几英寸深的泥巴中,死命抓住他,一只手掐住他脖子。

8."I'm so sorry, " she said, and then, grasping for words of comfort: "You know, they say when that happens it's probably meant to be. "她说:“我真难过”,然后说些想安慰我的话:“你知道吗,有人说如果什么事情发生了,它总有它的道理。”

9.The two great ruffians sprang up, and, grasping the long pincers, plunged them into the heart of the fire.这两个高大凶狠的汉子跳起来,抓住那两把大铁钳,塞进了火堆中心。

10.Grasping at help pke a drowning swimmer tends to scare away the resources you've already got, as well as potential assistance.像一位溺水者那样去抓帮助往往会把你已经获得的资源,以及潜在的吓跑。