



美式发音: [trʌˈsti] 英式发音: [ˌtrʌˈstiː]




复数:trustees  同义词

n.fund manager,director,representative,deputy,agent




n.1.someone who is responsible for taking care of money or property that belongs to someone else; a bank or other organization that has the same responsibipty2.a member of a group of people who are chosen to manage an institution such as a hospital or school that is organized as a trust

1.受托人主要内容包括:①授权18名费吉尼亚的绅士作为学院的理事会 (Trustees),其 成员由费吉尼亚大议会提名和选举,其中有布莱 …

5.董事ti on): 古根汉基金会为一财团法人机构, 其董事(trustees) 集团的财政捐款频繁, 尤其是董事长(chai rman of the board)Pete…

6.受托人基金会 Taskbar 任务条 Trustees 受托者 Trivial File Transfer Protocol 普通文件运输协议 ...



1.If the duties and responsibipties of any of the joint trustees end, the trust property shall be managed and disposed of by other trustees.第四十二条共同受托人之一职责终止的,信托财产由其他受托人管理和处分。

2.The trustees spent the best part of an hour chewing the matter over.理事们花了大半个钟头反复认真讨论了这个问题。

3.It gives me such a great pleasure , on behalf of the Board of Trustees to receive such a distinguished group of young people.我为能代表董事会接待如此优秀的青年团体而感到莫大的愉快。

4.All of this preparation was to get ready for the visit of the Trustees' of the orphanage which always fell on this day.如此严阵以待,是因为孤儿院的董事大人们在这一天会大驾光临。

5.There was a heated discussion among trustees on it. Revisions and improvements were made before it was unanimously approved.理事们对此展开了热烈地讨论。在达成一致的意见之前对其中的某些地方作了修正和改进。

6.Betts resented people who borrowed books and he boasted about returning more than one half of his annual book budget to the trustees.拜兹憎恶那些借书的人们,他引以自夸的是每年把一半以上的图书预算返还给了学院董事们。

7.As such, he is the only one of 10 trustees of the funds to have anything invested in them.他也是管理这些基金的10名信托人中本人持有投资的唯一一人。

8.On the first Wednesday of every month, the trustees of the John Grier Orphanage came to visit.每月的第一个星期三是约翰﹒格里尔孤儿之家的董事们来访的日子{##**$$}

9.In a trust, stock owners of many competing companies give control of their stock to a committee, or group, of trustees.在信托中,许多相互竞争的公司股票的业主提出的库存控制到一个委员会或小组的受托人。

10.It was to be sanctioned at a meeting with the trustees.这个已经在跟信托人的会议里面批准了。