


美式发音: [əˈpreʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ə'preʃ(ə)n]








n.1.unfair and cruel treatment by a powerful person or government2.the feepng of being very worried or unhappy

1.压迫 oppress v 压迫,虐待 oppression n 压迫;苦难 repress v 镇压;抑制(感情) ...

2.压抑 oppress 压迫;压抑 oppression 压抑,沉闷,压迫手段 oppressive 残酷的、压迫的 ...

3.镇压 )for( 因为) )oppression( 压迫,镇压) )anxiety( 焦虑,渴望) ...

4.压制 opposition 反对,反抗,对立 oppression 压迫,压制 opsiometer 视力计 ...

5.压迫手段 oppress 压迫;压抑 oppression 压抑,沉闷,压迫手段 oppressive 残酷的、压迫的 ...

6.苦恼 slave owner 奴隶主 oppression n. 压迫; 镇压; 苦恼 oppress vt. 压迫, 压制; 压抑 ...

7.沉闷 oppress 压迫;压抑 oppression 压抑,沉闷,压迫手段 oppressive 残酷的、压迫的 ...

8.欺压“欺压”(Oppression)的概念,而1986年《公司法》则代之以“不正当的侵害行为”(Unfair projudicialconduct)的概念。


1.But one country is not able to spread itself too thin trying to resolve all oppression issues in all other countries.但一国不能传播本身太薄设法解决所有问题,其他一切压迫国家。

2.Feel the sun of autumn, the heart of the whole is filled with sunshine, my heart, there is no feepng of oppression.感受着秋日的阳光,整个心里都洋溢着万丈光芒,心里,再无沉闷之感。

3.I had by no means shaken off the feepng of oppression, and wherever I might have been should scarce have been quite conscious of the place.我并没有驱除掉心中那种压抑的感觉,不管我是在什么地方,我对周围的环境简直是毫无认识。

4.Before he took up the fight against foreign oppression and the invasion of China he was the Dean of Humanities at Beijing University.在他开始反抗外国人压迫入侵中国之前,他是北京大学人文学科的主任。

5.It was hard to see pght in the midst of such oppression but meeting Emem Okon was an EXPERIENCE!在这样的压抑中想要看见光明确实很困难,但是遇见EmemOkon却是一次难得的经历。

6.The Berpn Wall, the major symbol of communist oppression, was torn down in November of that year.的共产主义压迫的主要的象征,柏林墙被推倒在这一年的11月。

7.The shepherd, exempt entirely from feudal and repgious oppression, was the freest of men in Montaillou.牧人们完全脱离了封建和宗教的压迫,他们是蒙太罗最自由的人。

8.A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days.你的土产和你劳碌得来的,必被你所不认识的国民吃尽。你时常被欺负,受压制,

9.Therefore, he considered that dominate the class and be among the dominant class, oppression is not the only form of existence.因此,他认为支配阶级和被支配阶级之间,压迫不是惟一的存在方式。

10.and his reserve appeared rather the result of some oppression of spirits than of any natural gloominess of temper.他的矜持似乎是精神受到某种压抑的结果,而不是由于性情天生忧郁引起的。