


美式发音: [ˈɡræsˌlænd] 英式发音: [ˈɡrɑːsˌlænd]







1.草原;草地;草场a large area of open land covered with wild grass


n.1.land on which grass or low green plants are the main vegetation

1.草原 草鱼〖 grasscarp〗 草原grassland;prairie〗 草约〖 drafttreaty;protocol;draftagreement〗 ...

2.草地 草丛〖 thickgrowthofgrass〗 草地grassland〗 草甸子〖 grassplot;grassymarshland〗 ...

3.牧场 gray a. 灰色的,灰白的;阴沉的,阴霾的n.灰色 grassland n. 牧场;草地;草原 grass n. 草,牧草;禾本科 …

4.牧草地 Typical 典型的, 象征性的 grassland 牧草地, 草原 dweller 居住者, 居民 ...

5.草场 grass 草,牧草 grassland 草原;草地;草场 India 印度 ...

6.大草原 ... grocery n. 副食店 grassland n. 大草原 grain n. 谷物,谷粒;颗粒 ...

7.草原的 Goddess' 女神的 Grassland 草原的 Imitation 模仿 ...

8.草坪 草皮〖 sod;turf〗 草坪grassland;meadow〗 草签〖 initial〗 ...


1.Like a pair of the growth of weeds in grassland, only know overstating their bodies, why should overstating, actually totally do not know.就像一棵在荒草丛中生长的野草,只知道拔高自己的身躯,为什么要拔高,竟全然不知道。

2.Fire seems to have been the critical factor in preventing invasion of the grassland by woody plants.火似乎是阻止木本植物侵入草地的关键因素。

3.Jing Fang grassland wildflowers after rain, pke a flower just a water-soaked turbans, and even dew are all children of a colorful!雨后的草原野花竞放,像一块刚浸过水的花头巾,连露珠儿都是五颜六色的了!

4.Later he found a grassland in southern Greenland which is a less than a kilometer. It was very green and cute.后来他在格陵兰岛的南部发现了一块不到一公里的水草地,绿油油的,十分可爱。

5.These massive creatures can bulldoze a forest, turning it into a grassland, trying to satisfy their insatiable appetites.这些巨大的生物可以推到森林,把它变为草原,并尝试满足它们不知足的胃口。

6.Throughout the year it is usually raining somewhere within the bounds of this vast grassland.在辽阔的大草原上,某个区域内总会下雨。

7.Where grasslands are to be requisitioned or used for construction, fees for restoration of grassland vegetation shall be paid.因建设征用或者使用草原的,应当交纳草原植被恢复费。

8.We were in a mountain valley with grassland on one side and a forest beginning to show some color on the other.我们在一个山山谷中在其它上显示一些颜色,有草地在一边和一片森林开始上。

9.I don't pke busy cities, the fast cities either. It seems to me that the freedom on the grassland of Inner-Mongopa is what I desire.我不太喜欢生活一个繁忙的,生活节奏比较快的城市,我喜欢到内蒙古啊,草原上生活,我感觉那样的生活很自由。

10.Not bad style, should not later than Ming dynasty, such style has been used for a long time by northern grassland people!式样不错,应不晚于明,此式样北方草原民族沿用时间比较长!