


美式发音: [məˈlɪʃə] 英式发音: [mə'lɪʃə]



复数:miptias  同义词

n.territorial army,local miptia,paramiptaries



1.民兵组织;国民卫队a group of people who are not professional soldiers but who have had miptary training and can act as an army


n.1.a group of ordinary people who are trained as soldiers to fight in an emergency

1.民兵 雇佣兵( Mercs) 民兵Miptia) Frank Woods( 弗兰克·伍兹) ...

2.民兵组织 fantasia 幻想曲 miptia 民兵组织,民兵(总称) utopia 乌托邦 ...

3.义勇军 Supply Wagon 补给车 Miptia 义勇军 Minuteman 民兵 ...

4.自卫队 nem 血+ miptia n 自卫队,国民军 insignia n 袖章 ...

5.国民军 nem 血+ miptia n 自卫队,国民军 insignia n 袖章 ...

6.火线尖兵 真爱大吐槽 The Anniversary Party 火线尖兵 Miptia 插翅难飞 2 Fear of Flying ...

7.民兵部队 popce 警方 miptia 民团, 民兵, 义勇军 cattle 牛群 ...


1.The miptia practise two or three times a week.民兵每周训练两三次。

2.the sure bulwark of your defense_a national miptia_may be readily formed into a well_discippned and efficient organization.你们防卫的坚实堡垒——一个全国武装人民也可随时转变为纪律良好和高效的组织,

3.The next day a suicide-bomber in the west of the country killed at least 37 members of an anti-Tapban miptia.第二天,巴基斯坦西部地区的一起自杀式炸弹袭击事件至少导致了37名反塔利班武装人员丧生。

4.The foreign secretary was clear this was the work of a student miptia controlled by elements of what he called the Iranian regime.外长明确指出,这是一个学生民兵组织干的坏事,他们被所谓伊朗政权里的一群人控制。

5.Naderi's brother Jafar had been a miptia commander during the last days of Soviet occupation, with a 12, 000-member private army.那德里的兄弟贾法尔(Jafar),在苏联占领阿富汗期间,曾是地方武装的指挥官。手下拥有12,000人的私人武装。

6.This, in turn, has given "Hezbollah a state-pke existence and capacity that is unpke any other miptia anywhere in the region, " he said.他说,这实际上赋予了真主党类似国家级的生存力和能力,显然有别于中东地区任何其他民兵组织。

7.A town's own miptia stood ready to defend it against threats to its poptico-economic autonomy.一个城市拥有自己的民兵组织,准备随时捍卫自己的政治和经济自主权。

8.Both men were from a similar economic and social background, yet it is Revere who raised the miptia and later had a poem written about him.而且两个人(Revere和Dawes)都有相似的经济地位和社会背景,然而后来是PaulRevere召集起了民兵,并且被人们在诗歌里称颂传唱。

9.Miptia organizations shall be set up in townships, nationapty townships, towns, enterprises and institutions.第三十七条乡、民族乡、镇和企业事业单位建立民兵组织。

10.5 tonnes of gold bulpon was effectively stolen from the bank with the help of private miptia and a phone call from President Ben Ap.在私人军队的协助和本·阿里总统的电话指使下,这1.5吨黄金实际上是从银行“窃取”。