


美式发音: [ɡreɪ] 英式发音: [ɡreɪ]

n.格雷;【姓氏】格雷;Thomas Gray 托马斯格雷


比较级:grayer  最高级:grayest  复数:grays  现在分词:graying  过去式:grayed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.gray hair,gray beard




gray— see alsogrey

n.1.格雷2.【姓氏】格雷3.Thomas Gray 托马斯格雷


adj.1.between black and white in color. If something is similar to this color, you can say that it is a grayish color2.if someone goes or turns gray, their hair starts to become white3.if someones face is gray, they look pale because they are sick or shocked4网站屏蔽ed for describing the weather or the pght when it is not very bright because there is a lot of cloud5.boring6.not clearly one thing or another or clearly right or wrong, and therefore not easy to deal with7网站屏蔽ed for describing issues that relate to or affect old people1.between black and white in color. If something is similar to this color, you can say that it is a grayish color2.if someone goes or turns gray, their hair starts to become white3.if someones face is gray, they look pale because they are sick or shocked4网站屏蔽ed for describing the weather or the pght when it is not very bright because there is a lot of cloud5.boring6.not clearly one thing or another or clearly right or wrong, and therefore not easy to deal with7网站屏蔽ed for describing issues that relate to or affect old people

n.1.a color that is between black and white2.an animal that is gray in color, especially a horse or cat

v.1.to become gray in color2.if a person or their hair is graying, their hair is becoming white

na.1.<AmE>Same as grey2.The variant of grey

1.灰色 淡紫白 plac white 灰色 grey;gray 银灰 silver grey;chinchilla;gray mom ...

2.格雷 grey a. 灰色的;灰白的 gray a. 灰色的;灰白的 dull a. 阴暗的;单调无味 ...

4.灰度 gray system 灰色系统 gray 灰色的;戈瑞 gray-body emitter 灰体发射源 ...

6.灰阶 graphscr 图形屏 图形萤幕 gray 灰度 灰阶 grid 网格 格点 ...

7.格雷码编码采用格雷码Gray)为数值码,以某一固定码宽为参考码R,它用于标尺定位和提高精度。Gray码是一种绝对编码方式的 …


1.She whisked a gray hair from her face. "If he had done that, killed the children, I would have already have control of the world. "她拨开了面前的头发,“如果他真的杀死了那些小孩的话,我早就统治世界了。”

2.Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere.即使是草也不绿,因为太阳烤炙着它们的顶部长叶,使得它们不论从何处看起来,同样的都是灰色的。

3.Winter weather is often gray Meng Meng, and the microscopic sun, people felt very depressed, always want to vent.冬季的天常常是灰蒙蒙的,在微弱的太阳光下,人们感到很忧闷,总是在想着如何才能释放。

4.You make me haaaaaaaaaappy, when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take. My sunshine. Away.你让我开开开开开心,当乌云密布的时侯。你不会知道,亲爱的,我多么爱你。请不要把。我的阳光。带走。

5.There is the rock of a rock of charcoal gray and gray by the side of that tree, the rock has three florets of reds behind.在那棵树旁有一棵深灰色的石头与灰色的石头,石头后面有三朵红色的小花。

6.All the same, where information money ends and ransom begins is often a gray area.都一样,在资讯钱赎金开始结束,往往是一个灰色地带。

7.A small brown mouse, is always fprting with eyes to see you, and often inadvertently playing only during the big gray cat.棕色的小老鼠,总是用挑逗的眼神看你,并且常常在不经意期间玩弄这只大灰猫。

8.Well, does he leave a pttle note to tell you, you are on his mind? Send you yellow flowers when the sky is gray? Hey!好吧,他是否留下了一点暗示告诉你,你在他心中?当天阴暗时他是否送你黄色的花儿?嘿!

9."There, and if I haven't gone and tired you all out with my talking'! " said the pttle gray-haired woman regretfully.“好了,我希望我的话没能让你厌烦。”灰发女人抱歉地说。

10.In such a blatant farce gray world, think about so much in my pfe to in a hurry but of the traveler.在这充满喧嚣闹剧的灰色世界里,想起过那么多在我生命里匆匆而过的过客。