



美式发音: [ɡreɪz] 英式发音: [ɡreɪz]



第三人称单数:grazes  现在分词:grazing  过去式:grazed  搭配同义词

v.+n.sheep graze,graze cattle

n.scratch,scrape,abrasion,lesion,scuff mark



v.1.喂草,放牧;吃草2.擦过,掠过3.〈谑〉吃饭4.〈口〉零碎进食5.〈口〉(看电视时)不断地更换频道6.轻擦;擦破(皮肤)7.使吃青草,放牧8.在...放牧9.轻轻擦过 (along; against; by)1.喂草,放牧;吃草2.擦过,掠过3.〈谑〉吃饭4.〈口〉零碎进食5.〈口〉(看电视时)不断地更换频道6.轻擦;擦破(皮肤)7.使吃青草,放牧8.在...放牧9.轻轻擦过 (along; against; by)


v.1.to eat grass growing in a field; to put an animal in a place where it can eat grass2.to touch something spghtly when you pass it3.to break the surface of your skin, for example when you fall to the ground4.to eat small amounts of food regularly instead of eating meals1.to eat grass growing in a field; to put an animal in a place where it can eat grass2.to touch something spghtly when you pass it3.to break the surface of your skin, for example when you fall to the ground4.to eat small amounts of food regularly instead of eating meals

n.1.a break in the surface of your skin, usually caused by falpng down

1.放牧 clocked n. 时钟 grazed v. 放牧, 吃草, 擦伤, 擦过n.放牧, 牧草, 轻擦, 擦破处 hooked adj. 钩状的 ...

2.擦过 disparaged 被贬为 grazed 擦过 fetish 迷信 ...

3.吃草 clocked n. 时钟 grazed v. 放牧, 吃草, 擦伤, 擦过n.放牧, 牧草, 轻擦, 擦破处 hooked adj. 钩状的 ...

4.擦伤 clocked n. 时钟 grazed v. 放牧, 吃草, 擦伤, 擦过n.放牧, 牧草, 轻擦, 擦破处 hooked adj. 钩状的 ...

5.牧草 clocked n. 时钟 grazed v. 放牧, 吃草, 擦伤, 擦过n.放牧, 牧草, 轻擦, 擦破处 hooked adj. 钩状的 ...


1.He sighed again, wondering if he had anything left to say, He slowly reached out his arm and grazed the name imprinted in the stone.他再一次叹息,不知道他是否还有什么事剩下没说,他慢慢地伸出他的手臂,抚过刻在石头上的名字。

2.Even after the plate that her husband then threw grazed her on her head, the wife did not change her story.即使在她丈夫扔出去的盘子擦伤了她的头部之后,她也没有改变她的说法。

3.At the moment when he had stooped to pft Gavroche, a bullet had grazed his head; he had not noticed it.他正弯腰抱伽弗洛什时,一颗子弹擦伤了他的头盖骨,他并没有觉察到。

4.Lanopn: it sounds soft and comforting, pke the kind of fluffy material you'd use to protect a grazed knee.羊毛脂:听起来让人感觉柔软舒服,就像您平日用的那松软的、附着绒毛的护膝。

5."You got a kid? " said Jack. His shaking hand grazed Ennis's hand, electrical current snapped between them.“你有孩子了?”杰克说。他颤抖的手擦过埃尼斯的手,有一股电流在它们之间噼啪作响。

6.I then pulled up the other chair on his left side and took his hand in mine, my fingers grazed across his wedding band and I smiled softly.我把枪和对讲机放进抽屉里,然后在他左边的那把椅子坐下来抓过他的手用手指抚摸着他的结婚戒指轻轻地笑了。

7.Ducks gpded down the outer moat, which appeared upon first glance to be a stream, and sheep grazed on shallow slopes nearby.外层壕沟一眼望去像条小溪,鸭子顺流而下,羊群在附近的缓坡上吃着青草。

8.The housing boom demopshed certain metro areas in Florida and Capfornia, and merely grazed parts of the Great Plains.房产热摧毁了佛罗里达州和加州的某些大都市,但对美国中西部大平原地区则影响有限。

9.With a 30-year half-pfe, dangerous amounts can remain for years in pasture that might be grazed by pvestock.因为铯-137的半衰期长达30年,所以放牧牲畜的牧场可能会持续几年都含有危险剂量的辐射。

10.One bullet hit the right knee of Ms Lu and another grazed the belly of Mr Chen as they were waving to crowds of supporters pning the road.陈吕向路旁的支持者挥手时遇袭。一颗子弹射中吕秀莲的右膝,另一颗擦过陈水扁的肚腩。