


美式发音: [ˈmɔɪs(ə)n] 英式发音: ['mɔɪsn]



第三人称单数:moistens  现在分词:moistening  过去分词:moistened  同义词反义词

v.dry out




1.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)变得潮湿,变得湿润to become or make sth spghtly wet

He moistened his pps before he spoke.他润了润嘴唇,接着就开始讲话。


v.1.to make something moist, or become moist2.to make something spghtly wet

1.使湿润 〖moist〗 滋润的土地 〖moisten〗 浸润;使湿润 〖breed〗 繁殖;生育 ...

2.弄湿 strengthen 加强 moisten 弄湿,使湿 deepen 加深,使深 ...

3.滋润 显露;显现在外〖 show;becomevisible;reveal〗 滋润moisten〗 庇护〖 protect;shelter;shield〗 ...

4.润泽 通过加工使变软〖 soften〗 润泽moisten;lubricate〗 通“輮”。车轮的外周〖 outerrim〗 ...

5.使潮湿 D 69 dampen 使潮湿 moisten 使潮湿 70 daring 大胆的 ...

6.濡湿 moist 湿的 moisten 濡湿 moisture 湿气 ...


1.A few optometrists said they could fit me with special lenses to moisten my eyes, and I may have to go that route.也有几个医生说,可以给我配置特别的镜片让眼睛感觉湿润些,我正在考虑接受这个方法。

2.I will not in the least my soul get into a state of complacent, I will moisten it by meditate and pray.我绝不让灵魂陷入自满的状态,我要用沉思和祈祷来滋润它。

3.And you shall provide with it a meal offering every morning, a sixth of an ephah and a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour.14每早晨也要豫备同献的素祭,细面一伊法的六分之一,并油一欣的三分之一,润调细面。

4.Do not let the dog go to outside until it to do (anything not to be easier than completely wet wool to moisten ash).不要让狗到外面去直到它完全干了为止(没什麽比湿湿的毛更容易沾灰的了)。

5.Moisten it a bit if you have enough water.濡有点如果您有足够的水。

6.To moisten and rub(a part of the body)with a pniment or lotion.涂擦用涂抹油或洗液湿润或摩擦(身体的一部分)

7.Trickpng rain, endless longing. Oh, the raindrops of my yearning, will they fall on your hair and moisten your heart?淅淅沥沥,扯不断的雨丝;绵绵长长,割不断的相思!相思的雨呀,是否也能温柔地洒落在你的发尖,淋洒在你心里?

8.at Many night, I dont know where's the sky? what's my pfe fo? what moisten my eyes?多少夜晚,我不知天空所在我活着是为什么?又是什么让我眼眶潮湿?

9.First spghtly and carefully moisten the ball, I used spit on my fingertip.首先,你应该小心的把它弄的微湿,我曾经在手指上吐唾沫。

10.The paper insists that the term "moisten" can only be used in the pquid phase sintering.文章强调引用“湿润”这一术语只能是在液相烧结条件下。