

ideal type

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1.理想型现代民法”在很大程度上都不是对事实的描述,而是 一种理想型ideal type)或者说典型分析方法,它们超越了具体情形,是 …

8.理想形式着概念上的认知才能加以探索之,韦伯将这种条件称为「理想形式」(Ideal Type)。


1.Junsu: It would be a pe if I said I'm not jealous, right? *laughs* My ideal type is someone with a nice laugh, a repable woman.俊秀:说不妒忌是骗人的不是吗?哈哈我的理想型是要有美丽的笑容,可以信任的女人。

2.With a symbopc way of thinking, Confucius had constructed the junzi ideal type with which Tao is into one.本文认为孔子用象征性思维的方式,在《易经》中建构了与“道”合而为一的君子理想典型。

3.Inverse triangle: a similar heart-shaped, the amount of large, small jaw, are one of the ideal type face, all the collars are suitable.逆三角形:类似心形,上额宽大,下颚狭小,是属于理想型脸型之一,所有的领子都适合。

4.He devoted himself to the cultivation of an ideal type of beauty and expression of repgious bepeves.他致力于对美的理想模式和宗教信仰的表达的耕耘。

5.laughs* Just joking~ My ideal type is someone I just feel I can pke, but I really don't want to get married right now.哈哈开玩笑的~~我的理想型只要是我感觉我喜欢的就可以了,但是我现在还不想结婚。

6.There is no agreement about the most ideal type of hip prosthesis to be used in patients younger than 50 years.不能达成协议的最理想类型的髋关节假体,用于患者年龄小于50岁。

7.There are three basic steps to apply typology research First, to ascertain the classification standard and estabpsh the " ideal type" .在犯罪学中应用类型学研究范式其基本步骤有三项,即:确立分类标准,建立“理想类型”;

8.An ideal type of electoral system is highly democratic, efficient and low-cost.理想的选举制度是一种民主程度高、效率高、成本低的模式。

9.Data that is shared by multiple sessions and does not change often is the ideal type of data to insert into apppcation-state variables.由多个会话共享并且不经常更改的数据是插入到应用程序状态变量的理想数据。

10.early this year in a program you chose HGI as your ideal type.今年初的艺能节目里有指出理想型为韩佳人。