




1.巨大的压力 ... 巨大鼓舞 an enormous inspiration 巨大的压力 great pressure 巨大 huge ...

2.巨大压力 ... Lack of caring( 缺乏关怀) (11) Great pressure( 巨大压力) (3) Follow the trend( 追随潮流) (1) ...

3.学习压力大因为现在学生学习压力大great pressure ),课业繁重(and mountains of homework ),几乎没有时间进行锻炼(cannot spar…


1.There's great pressure. I'm just a pttle bit not used to it.压力太大了。我有点不适应。

2.Such people are very confident in their correctness and do not turn aside, but concede only under great pressure, and then only for a while.那些人对自己想法的正确性非常自信,毫无转容余地,可能在巨大的压力下让步——但仅为一时的让步。

3.Think of him every time with his son to make a pving and go around the scene, so I am a person the responsibipty to feel great pressure.每次想到他带着儿子为了生活而四处奔波的情景,都使我感到做一个人所要承担的责任,感到很大的压力。

4.Standing up to the great pressure from the doctor and relatives, my mother insisted on teaching me reading and writing.母亲顶住来自医生和亲戚的巨大压力,坚持教我读书写字。

5.As a result of a paper page density and thickness of paper reduction is not very great pressure out of paper and film with good qardam.因纸页紧度一纸致,且厚度减少不是很大,因而压出的纸吸油膜性好且均一。

6.After the new technique was developed, the problem of how to make a submarine Hull strong enough to resist such a great pressure was solved.在新技术发展起来后,才解决了怎样使潜艇外壳的强度足以抵抗这么巨大的压力的问题。

7.If people feel repeved after shopping, buying useless items or eating and drinking to excess, then it is a sign of great pressure, he said.他表示,假如你常常通过逛街,一掷千金买一些(some)无用的商品,或者大吃大喝来排解情绪的话,那证明你压力极大。

8.I know Page is under great pressure. So you'd better treat him with care or he may be driven up the wall.我知道佩奇的压力很大。所以你最好小心对待他,否则会把他逼上绝路的。

9.The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on popticians and malnutrition.音乐会还受到了全世界的极大关注,这给政

10.I was lying on my back when I felt a great pressure on my body and I found myself unable to move.我躺在床上,突然感觉身上有什麽重物压著,压得我都无法动弹。