

to wit

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na.1.即,也就是说 (= namely, that is to say)

na.1网站屏蔽ed before giving details about something that you have already mentioned

1.即 ... Inflexion:post-PC 格局大变:后个人电脑时代 to wit cut throat 害人的,过分激烈的竞 …

2.也就是说 hilarious 喜不自禁的 ... to wit 也就是说 toady 谄媚者, 拍马屁的人 ...

3.那就是说 mother wit n. 天生的智力 to wit 那就是说,即 Wit once bought is worth twice taught. st. 一次亲身体验抵过两次教导. ...

4.知道 ... (文语)即( namely) 知道 to wit at one's wits' end 不知所措,穷于应付 ...


1.to wit, for Machir the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead: because he was a man of war, therefore he had Gilead and Bashan.至于玛拿西的长子基列之父(父或作主)玛吉,因为是勇士就得了基列和巴珊。

2.He is always full of external things of curiosity and imagination, and bold attempt to wit, brave, yearning for freedom, the future.他对外界的事物总是充满好奇心和想象力的,而且大胆尝试,机智勇敢,向往自由,向往未来。

3.And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not.那人定睛看她,一句话也不说,要晓得耶和华赐他通达的道路没有。

4.To wit, I recently called Judith up and said, " What's your Thanksgiving column about? "对于智慧,我最近打电话问朱迪斯:“你感恩节的专栏写什么?”

5.These two properties seem essential to wit, more particularly the last of them.这两条属性对于机智是必不可少的,尤其是产生惊奇感这一点。

6.To wit: Paramecium Pond, (pictured) edging a rich, botanical garden through which travels a stream fed by nearby waterfall.比如说,草履虫池(如图所示)通过蜿蜒的小溪与一个物种丰富的植物园紧紧相连,小溪的水流量则源自附近的瀑布。

7.To wit, "In order to be sure she wasn't seeing things, Miss Chen woke up her family to look at this piece of strange meat together. "为了证明自己所看到的是事实,陈小姐叫醒了自己的家人,一同查看这块闪着蓝光的猪肉。

8.The main features: to wit and thrilpng combination of traditional style. 3, Itapan neo-reapsm comedy.主要特点:以智慧和刺激相结合的传统风格。3,意大利新现实主义的喜剧。

9.To wit, this weekend an Occupy Wall Street group met in Atlanta and invited Congressman John Lewis to speak to them.上周末,“占领华尔街”运动的一个团体在亚特兰大集会,邀请了众议员约翰•刘易斯发表讲话。

10.To wit, crude-oil futures are down again Monday, but stocks are substantially higher.也就是说,原油期货价格周一再度下跌,但股市却涨幅可观。