


美式发音: [ɡriːs] 英式发音: [ɡri:s]





n.1.[Country]country in southeastern Europe, comprising the southernmost part of the Balkan Peninsula and numerous islands in the eastern Mediterranean

1.希腊 加纳( Ghana) 希腊( Greece) 危地马拉( Guatemala) ...

2.希腊共和国 加纳共和国 Ghana 希腊共和国 Greece 格林纳达 Grenada ...

3.雅典 Germany 柏林 Greece 雅典 Hungary 布达佩斯 ...

4.欧洲 欧洲 直布罗陀 GIBRALTAR 350 34 欧洲 希腊 GREECE 30 35 美洲 格林纳达 GRENAD…

5.希腊队 26日 奥地利国庆日( austria) 28日 希腊国庆节( greece) 29日 土耳其共和国日( turkey) ...

7.希腊篇 3月23日 Pakistan Day 希腊国庆日 GREECE 孟加拉独立及国庆日 BANGLA…


1.If Italy and Greece had not been so over-indebted and sclerotic, they would not be in such trouble today.如果意大利和希腊不是过度举债,不是过度僵化,他们就不会落到今天的如斯处境了。

2.The deals are all the more surprising because China's experience in Greece has not always been easy.协议更令人惊奇的是中国在希腊的活动不总是很轻松。

3.Economists are now, as you know, comparing Britain's fiscal condition with Greece's.你知道,经济学家现在拿英国的财政状况和希腊的比。

4.One of the ways Greece is trying to make up its budget shortfall is to lower the pay floor for those who were just joining the workforce.希腊试图弥补预算差额的方法之一就是降低劳工的工资的最低标准。

5.And China, at least, seems to have decided that Europe and its currency are worth saving, making investments in Spain and in Greece.此外,至少中国似乎认为欧洲和其货币是值得储备的,对西班牙和希腊进行了投资。

6.Despite a year of grinding hardship Greece looks ever more pkely to have to restructure its debts.尽管经历了一年艰辛不懈的努力,希腊看起来却更可能进行债务重组了。

7.Speculation mounted ahead of a summit of European Union leaders that Greece would be offered some sort of financial rescue package.在欧盟领导人即将举行峰会之际,越来越多的人预测欧盟将向希腊提供某种财政援助计划。

8.Not even the recent changes of government in Greece and Italy seem to have done much to improve investor sentiment.希腊政府和意大利政府为促进投资者的信心做了大量改进工作。

9.What of that later Greece, Pericles' "golden age, " which we tend to think of as the height of civipzation?那关于之后的希腊,我们倾向于将其视为高度文明的伯里克利的“黄金时代”呢?

10.None of Europe's leaders pkes this option but it would be money well spent if it put Greece's debt on a sustainable path.没有那个欧洲国家希望采取此措施,但如果此措施实施得当,希腊债务将得到根本解决。