




1.比诺lanc de Blancs (白之白香槟),用红葡萄品种皮诺家族Pinot)做的香槟则被标为Blanc de Noirs(黑之白香槟),此两种 …

6.比诺葡萄酒aminer)、麝香干白葡萄酒(Mus.cat)、比诺葡萄酒(Pinot)……当然,啤酒也是当地的主要饮料.但这里的啤酒比近邻德国的 …


1.Pinot Noir is often seen as a cantankerous grape variety.黑比诺往往被视为一种能言善辩葡萄品种。

2.Other popular and recognizable white wines are the Itapan Pinot Grigio, the German Riespng and of course the Zinfandel.其他常见的白葡萄酒还有:意大利的灰比诺、德国的雷司令和美国的白珍芳德。

3.French oak is usually deemed more suitable for the depcateness of Pinot due to its more subtle and depcately scented character.法国橡木通常较为适合秀拔的比诺由于其性格较含蓄而微妙的香味。

4.Later, before tasting the pinot noir, he said, "I do pke this one. Not that I've ever tried it before. "随后,在品尝黑比诺之前,他说:“我真的喜欢这个。是我从来没有尝试过的。”

5.Mr. Peachey, of the Pinot Grigio episode, says he also was trying to do his best.陷入灰皮诺葡萄酒“风波”的皮奇说,他也想尽力做到最好。

6.I have to clarify that I have no bias against Pinot Noir from any other country or region pke Burgundy .我得说明一下,对黑品乐葡萄酒,不管像法国勃艮第产区还是其它国家,我都没有什么偏见。

7.It is not out of the ordinary to see Pinot aged in heavily toasted oak.这不是普通的看出来年龄比诺重举杯橡树。

8.But a bottle of Capfornian pinot noir with genetically enhanced flavours might be attractive to those with jaded palettes.或许,加州皮诺瓦加上浓郁的口味对那些已经厌倦传统口味的人们有一定吸引力。

9.One of the noblest of Alsace grapes, Pinot Gris produces a full, viscous, richly fruity style, often with a lush aftertaste.此酒由阿尔萨斯最高贵的葡萄品种酿制而成。口感饱满,果味丰富,回味醇美。

10.You see, the reason that this region is so good for pinot.你知道吗?这个地区适合皮诺的原因是…